Chapter 35

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I can’t believe Abby lied to her dad because of me. I can’t believe she would risk so much, just to meet me. Me. I would do the same for her, no doubt. I would do it over and over for her.

I wish I could sit and stare at her forever but, I obviously can’t. She looks smaller somehow, like she’s shrunk a size. I probably looks small myself. I haven’t been able to sleep at nights, sometimes I’ve fallen asleep at the bean bags at the library. It’s like I’m back to before Abby made it into my life.

“…And I kind of promised him he could meet you. Is that okay?” She asks, taking her bottom lip between her teeth. I notice there’s something in her eyes, like innocence and begging mixed together.

“Of course! Bring him in. I’d love to meet him!” I reply with a smile. Although I’ve already met him…

She returns the smile and I can tell she’s a little nervous by the way she’s fidgeting with her fingers as she stands up. I’m nervous too because we’re gonna be sitting here, all three of us, but only two of us know this isn’t the first time Calum’s here. 

“Hey Luke! Can I talk to Abby for a minute?” I hear Ashton suddenly shout from across the room. His table is right by the entrance while mine is in the corner. People around me give me glares and I look at Abby who’s blushing at the unwanted attention. I give them a quick nod, but continue to stare at them since I don’t have anything better to do. Plus, I get to stare at Abby and I don’t know when I get to see her again.

I had promised Ashton I would ask Abby if he could meet her but every time I see her, I just forget about it. Every time I see her, I just think about her and only her. It is like nothing else matters. I can’t focus on anything else. Just her. 

Suddenly Abby stands up and storms out of the room. Ashton stands up after her, calling out her name. I don’t think twice before I reach his table. 

“What the hell just happened?” I ask, looking past the guards down the corridor only to see Abby standing in front of Calum. She looks pissed, her arms crossed over her chest. Calum looks defenseless, sitting completely still.

I can’t hear what they’re saying to each other since they’re too far away, but a few seconds later she runs away, leaving Calum all alone. He doesn’t run after her, instead he scratches the back of his neck and turns around. He meets my gaze but lowers his rather quickly before he begins chatting with one of the guards who lets him in.

“What the hell just happened?” I repeat my question, only this time to them both.

Ashton still hasn’t said anything, he’s kept his head hung low and sat back down again.

“Did you tell her already? I thought we agreed on doing it together!” Calum exclaims.

“I didn’t tell her anything!”

“Then how does she know?”

Both of us glance over at Ashton and I slam my hands on the table, making him jump in his seat. A guard walks over and practically shoves us back on the seats even though this isn’t my table. He gives me a warning before standing back against the wall.

“Irwin, what did you tell her?”

“We just had a little chat,” he shrugs, not caring about the furious look in my eyes. Or my clenched fists.

“And what did you tell her in this little chat of yours?

“We talked, well I talked, about how happy she makes you and I mentioned that no one had visited you in a long time until she came along. And well, your brother and then this dude over here,” he gestures towards Calum who’s got a complete blank look on his face. 

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