Chapter 27

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(Flashbacks in italics.)


The following day I start searching for books about law at the library. There are plenty of them here and they all look well-used. I guess everyone wants to find a way out of here, I’m no different.

I was accused of murder. The guy next to me, the one who died, apparently had my DNA under his nails and I had his DNA under my nails. That’s the only evidence they had. They had witnesses telling they had seen me beat him, but none of them saw me actually beating him to death. He was still breathing after the first swing when my fist connected to his jaw.

But since I was only 18 and influenced by alcohol, they didn’t think twice before they connected the dots – or made connections between them and ended up putting me here. However, the killing was accidental. I had never meant to kill him, so I wasn’t going to be in on life. Apparently they go a little easier on people who don’t do it intentionally.

Calum had gotten a hold of a report from the day thanks to his dad and he told me about it. He obviously couldn’t give it to me without having to go through security, tell my lawyer or smuggling it, and even then they would probably find it. But he gave me a quick summary and that was all I needed. He also gave me a list of what kind of books I should look for. 

Before all this happened, I didn’t know anything about law and order. I never watched shows like CSI and NCIS. I didn’t pay attention to the news when there was a crime investigation. All that changed when I was the one being the bad guy and having law words thrown in my face all the time, even when not being in court. Before, I didn’t even know what a prosecutor was. Now I know the oath by heart.

I carry down three of the books that I remember from Calum’s list and bring them to the bean bags. I haven’t been back here much lately but they look exactly the same. I’m glad at least something stays the same. Also, I’ve never seen anyone else by the bean bags before and I’ve questioned myself if they are actually real or if I’m just imagining them. 

The day is still a blur to me, but small flashbacks have slowly starting to get back to me. They’re only small and I can’t tell all the details. Sometimes I only hear someone’s voice. 


“For the birthday boy!”

The music is pumping louder and louder while I pour down yet another shot of whatever Michael poured up to me. I can’t exactly taste it, I only feel it burning down my throat. More people cheer and I raise my arms in a sign of victory. I feel someone pat my back and another happy birthday is shouted.

“Are you sure we’re even allowed to be here?” I yell over the music to Michael.

“It’s fine! Have another one."

He hands me another shot but I shake my head so he drinks it instead. We’re in a club, fake IDs got us the drinks. It says I’m 21 and the only thing real on mine is the date of my birthday and my photo. It says my name is Leo. Guess it’s fitting since people actually believe me when I tell them.


Why did we even go to that club? I would much rather have had a house party than be there. But I guess you only turn 18 once so it had to be celebrated bigger and louder or whatever words Michael and Sean used. I can’t put the blame on them though. They didn’t know what would happen. No one knew what would happen. We were just at the wrong place at the wrong time. 


“Watch where you going, díckhead.”

I feel a pair of hands shove my back, making me almost trip over my own feet. Luckily, Calum catches me. The person shoving me mutters a few other inaudible words.

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