Chapter 5

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“CALUM!” I yell and he shoots his eyes wide open. He lifts his arms, as in an attempt of defending himself, but lowers them quickly. Probably because he sees me hovering over him with an amused look on my face.

“What? What the hell are you doing in my room, Abby?” He groans and rubs his eyes.

“Your mom let me in,” I shrug and sit down next to him. He pulls up the cover even further. “Oh c’mon, it’s not like I haven’t seen you shirtless before.”

He doesn’t reply, just closes his eyes and turns around with his back against me.

“It’s like 7 in the morning, on a Sunday for fuck sake. Let me sleep,” he mumbles.

“So? Were you up late last night?” I smirk.


“Hey Calum?” I say but all I hear is a soft snore. “I saw Rebecca kissing another guy.”

“WHAT?” He bolts up, stares at me with his mouth half open. “Who? When? Where?”

“I’m only kidding! Oh my, you should have seen the look on your face!” I laugh and shake my head.

“Ugh, I hate you so much,” Calum says and throws his pillow at me before falling back to bed.

“I know you love me. But seriously, do you wanna get some breakfast or something? I have a shift at 10 so I’m free until then,” I say but he just frowns. “I pay." 

“Fine, 15 minutes,” he mutters. I know he can’t say no to free things. “Why am I even friends with you?”

“I think you know, poo. I’ll be downstairs, talking to your mom about you partying. See you, Cal!” I say and leave his room, hearing him shouting behind me.

Messing with Calum is one of the funniest things I know. I’ve known him since the day I started talking. Literally. Dad had taken me to a park and was sitting with me in the grass, making funny noises and faces, making me laugh. Then, apparently, I started pointing at this other toddler just a few feet away and I said poo. Yes, I said poo. My dad began to laugh. He thought it was hilarious and was so excited over me having said my first word that he told the couple with the toddler about it. Ever since then, dad and I always celebrate Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter, birthdays or any holidays together with the Hood family.

And Calum, well Calum is still poo. 

“One coffee please,” I say to the man with the hot dog stand and I feel someone elbow me. “Make that two. Oh and two bagels please.” 

“Here you go, miss.”

“Keep the change,” I say and hand him the money and see the light in his eyes go brighter. So much for a few extra cents, okay. Glad I can make someone’s day, I think and glare at Calum. He’s still a little grumpy since I woke him up so early.

“Oh come on, Cal. Did you really stay out that late partying?” I sigh when I notice he’s got his eyes closed, leaning against the nearest building. “Or were you with Rebecca?” I ask and see the redness spread on his cheeks.

“Both actually. But let’s not talk about that,” he says between sips.

“Don’t you wanna sit anywhere?”

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