Chapter 31

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Have you ever seen your life flash before your eyes? And you know that this is it, this is when I die? Not literally, but you know there is no way in hell things will go back to normal and you will have this feeling haunting you every time you look into somebody’s eyes and see their judgmental looks.

Because that’s what happened to me.

“Abigail. Answer me. Now.” Dad’s voice is stern but I can tell he’s trying to keep calm. His eyes peers at me through his glasses. They’re filled with confusion and anger. 

“I…” am so screwed. “I can explain.”

I can’t keep lying to him. I knew I had to tell him sometime but I wish I could have had a little more preparation and I’d be telling him when he’d be in a good mood. Not in this situation.

“You better explain now, young lady.”

“You might want to sit down first,” I try but he just shakes his head telling me he’s good where he’s standing. “I must have dropped my phone when I-uhm.”

How do I even do this? And how did I even drop it? I can’t remember anything right now. Thoughts are spinning around my head. Did I even bring it with me?

“You dropped it when…?”

I close my eyes, taking a deep breath. I can do this in two ways. One, I’ll tell him I was there with Luke and visited someone, someone that isn’t Luke. Or…

“You know Luke?” I start, still keeping my eyes closed. “I must have dropped my phone when I visited him.”

I slowly open one of my eyes and peek at him. His mouth is hanging open, his eyes wide as well. His right hand is raised in midair like he’s about to slap me. I can see he’s taking deep breaths and I know I’m doomed.

“You are telling me that Luke is in jail?” He asks slowly and I nod. There’s silence again and I don’t know whether to run away or to stay. “Has he been in jail all this time?”

I nod again, feeling my heart slowly start beating faster. Dad’s face is starting to change colors from white to red. When he opens his mouth again his voice is raised.

“Abigail Carson, you are not allowed to see that guy again. Never again. Do you understand?”

“But dad!”

“No!” He shouts, his voice sounding like a growl. He’s pointing a finger at me. “I forbid you to see him. You are grounded!”

“Dad, you don’t understand! I can’t just stop seeing him!”

I feel the tears prick my eyes, my head pounding. I can’t start crying now. I just can’t.

“And why is that? Why can’t you stop seeing him?” He takes a step closer to me, his voice still loud.

“Because I love hi-” I hear myself say before being cut off by my angry father.

“You do NOT love that delinquent! Go to your room and don’t you fucking come out until I say so!” Dad shouts and I turn around, run up the stairs, two steps at a time.

I slam the door shut behind me before throwing myself onto my bed. I curl into a ball, hugging my knees closer to my chest, a few tears beginning to spill. I lie there in the darkness, not even bothering turning on the lights and I slowly turn off all the sounds from downstairs. My stomach isn’t even growling anymore, instead it feels like I’m gonna throw up. I’ve never heard dad swore before. Never. And I never thought I would, especially to me. That made me break as well. 

He can’t do that. He can’t forbid me to see Luke. I have to see Luke. He’s special. If dad only knew about him. If dad only knew about my feelings towards Luke. But he wouldn’t let me explain. And I can’t believe I told him I loved him. Because I do, don’t I? It’s a special love I have for him. He brought those butterflies to life again, the butterflies that died when I was together with Jason. Luke brought them back to life and they are 10 times more than before. He also makes me feel good. He makes me happy.

I wish I could call Calum to have him come over. He always knows how to cheer me up. But considering I’m grounded and considering I’ve lost my phone, it won’t happen. We’re not allowed to bring it inside when visiting so I must have forgot to take it back after handing it to security.

I don’t even know if I’ll ever get it back. And it’s brand new too which makes it even worse.

So I just lie there, my heart broken and my cheeks wet, and I close my eyes again letting myself doze off to sleep.


I don't even know what that was...uhm. yeah. (just know that Abby loves Luke a lot.)

We're getting closer to the end, a few more chapters left. Buuuuuuuuuuut since I can't let this story go, I need your help.

Do you want a:

PART 2 (meaning I will continue writing in this book).

or do you want a

SEQUEL (meaning I'll create a new book) ?

If you're on the phone, comment on the thing you want. Or else just write in the comments or write me a message. Just thought I'd let you know that I haven't exactly thought of the plot yet so you can give me ideas if you want to. :) x

Oh and thanks for 1000 comments! It's finally bold (if you search for the story) :D

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