Chapter 34

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“Are you ready?”

“The question is, are you ready?”

“Why wouldn’t I be ready?”

“‘Cause you’re meeting the love of your life- hey what was that for!?” Calum frowns after I punch his arm. I didn’t even punch hard, yet he pouts at me. 

“Love of my life?” I question.

“You love him, admit it,” Calum winks, turning on the engine. I roll my eyes and feel myself blush. Yes, I love Luke, but I’m not gonna admit it to Calum.

Dad had agreed on me hanging out with Calum because banning the two of us from meeting, would be like banning two family members from meeting. It’s just not right. We (dad, Calum and I) all agreed that we’d be back for dinner after Calum and I spending the day just walking around the city. Calum “wanted” to show me some new art they had at this museum and dad fell for it. I just hope I don’t have to tell him about them afterwards. 

“Wait!” I yell at Calum before we’ve even made it down the street. He steps on the brakes and shoots me a look. I quickly unbuckle the seatbelt and open the car door. I walk over to the person waving frenetically at me from the sidewalk, who quickly pulls me in for a hug. Then he gazes down on me.

“You are one hard person to reach, you know that?” He says, still smiling. “Damn, your dad’s not letting you out of his sight.” 

“You’ve been trying to reach me? Why?” I frown at him. Why the hell would Jack want to reach me?

“Luke told me you were grounded and he asked me to deliver a letter to you but every time I’ve walked past your house, I’ve seen your dad in the window. I even sat outside your house once for like two hours but you never showed.”

“Now who’s the spy?” I raise an eyebrow and he gently pokes my shoulder.

“Anyway, here’s the letter.”

Jack reaches his hand under his jacket and pulls out an envelope with my adress written on it. I recognize Luke’s handwriting right away.

“So you’re free now?”

“Not exactly. I still haven’t gotten my phone back but I think I will after today. I think he’s started trusting me more considering he has agreed on me hanging out with my friend Calum today.”

“Oh, yeah? Where’re you going?” He asks, shifting a little in his position. He looks over my shoulder and I do the same, seeing Calum keeping his eyes on us.

“We’re going to visit Luke!”

“You’re going to… you and Calum are visiting Luke? Together?” Jack raises his eyebrows, suddenly the smile is gone.

I shrug. It’s no big deal. I’ve told Luke about Calum plenty of times and I even told him I wanted them to meet.

“Well, don’t let me disturb then. Say hello to my brother for me,” he says before turning around.

“Wait!” I shout. “Aren’t you going to visit him?”

Jack turns around, his hands in the front pockets of his jeans. “I was going to but I think you need this time alone. But see you around, Abby! Don’t forget to text me when you get your phone back! Oh, and good luck.” He gives me a small smile before turning around the corner.

I walk back to the car, ignoring Calum glancing at me and just tell him to keep driving. That was a really weird conversation, but I try not to think about it as Calum turns up the volume of the radio and starts to sing along. I’m still holding the letter but I don’t want to open it here. Not in front of Calum. I want to be alone while I do it, so I neatly put it in the back pocket of my jeans. 

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