More Understanding, Almost Familiar

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Here's some Bagginshield love because I want to make myself cry and feel like shit. I can just imagine Thorin waiting for Bilbo so they can be reunited in the afterlife😭 Who desperately wants to watch LOTR and The Hobbit and have a marathon but are too scared because if you do then you'll cry and lose a part of your soul like Voldemort because of certain deaths (Thorin, Fili, Kíli, Haldir and Boromir) like honestly Tolkien, I'd rather you shoot me than kill off these beloved characters😭 Although it's Peter Jackson's fault that Haldir died because he didn't in the book... Stupid Peter.



Frodo Baggins was tired. He was tired of this quest. He was tired of his burden. He was tired of losing people he cared for. First, Bilbo leaves the Shire and him, and now Gandalf. Frodo was tired and confused.

Uncle Bilbo didn't say that going on adventures also meant facing the loss of friends. Even when he told him of the deaths of King Thorin and Prince Fili and Kíli, he made it seem glorifying. Like they died for some amazing cause that would immortalise them in a way like the hope of their people, he did not mention the numbness nor the hurt. Nor the self loathing. He didn't tell him that sometimes things got so hard that you felt like giving up every step of the way. He didn't tell him any of this and now, he felt cheated.

If this was what being on an adventure was like then Frodo never wanted to go on another one ever again.

Looking around, he saw his sleeping companions living blissfully in dreamland. Pippin was cuddled up to him on his left side with Sam on the other side of Pip. Gimli was snoring loudly with his beard up over his face. Legolas was sleeping like the dead which made sense when he thought of the Elf as that's exactly how he imagined Elves slept if he was being honest. Boromir and Aragorn looked like they were both restless and tossed in their sleep. Eleniel slept soundly next to Frodo, her arms wrapped around him as she breathed evenly. Frodo felt a certain kinship to her, almost as if she was family and that as long as she was around then everything would surely turn out alright.

"I wish the Ring had never come to me." He whispered aloud to himself, as it stared up at the ceiling of the pavilion. His thoughts turned to the talk that he had with Lady Galadriel.

'To be a ring bearer is to be alone.' Is what she had said and Frodo knew what it was that he had to do but he was scared. He was no warrior and his skills were limited to being able to out drink most Men and even Elves, being able to tell the meaning of certain flowers and sitting down for a whole day without doing a single thing but those skills would not help him get to Mordor and survive. He felt the arms around him tighten a little, startling him as he looked at the now wide awake grey eyes. Those eyes softened when they saw his own teary eyes.

"I know that is what you wish my little friend," she said, sitting up and pulling him with her. She held her arms wide open and Frodo tentatively sat himself on her lap. He leant his back against her chest as she rested her chin on his shoulder. His cheeks were red from embarrassment and she heard him mutter under his breath that he wasn't a child which made her chuckle. "You have much courage, more courage than many people will possess in a lifetime to be able to carry such an object."

"That ring is altogether evil Frodo. You must remember, that it will always only have one Master and will use any means to get back to Sauron. I will not push you to carry it for I do not have that authority, only you do as you are the one carrying it but, I will say that in order to save Middle Earth, it will take the might of all its people. The Elves, Dwarves, Men and even the small Hobbits of the Shire." Here she smiled at him as he let out a little chuckle before sobering. "Middle Earth belongs to all of us even if I hail from Valinor, Middle Earth is all I have known for the last few ages." She frowned when she thought of her age again making Frodo laugh and tease her about how she's old making her pout at him but happy to see him smile and laughing.

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