I Hate Spiders

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So I'm back now. My holiday was awesome. It was so good seeing my family and younger cousins. I'm also 20 years old now like wow! I feel old....


Frodo and Sméagol had been walking for what felt like years in succession with no rest. The Hobbit tried to keep his emotions at bay and to not think of his friend. He regretted the words he had spoken to Sam in a moment of weakness. The whispers of the Ring and briefly broken his mind and resolve but now that he was fully in control of his actions, he wished that they could turn back for Sam. They couldn't though. Besides Sam was probably already halfway down the mountain. Instead they pushed on.

He looked up at Sméagol when he heard himself being called and saw the entrance to a tunnel. Sméagol motioned for him to enter. "What is this place?" Frodo asked his friend.

Sméagol only shook his head and motioned for him to enter again. Frodo looked down the dark, dank tunnel before he said, "Now that I'm here, I don't think I want to."

"It's the only way! Go in or go back." Sméagol said, impatiently.

Frodo looked back down at the many stairs that they had just climbed before turning back to the tunnel. "I can't go back." He took his first step into the tunnel then he took another and then another. The two of them walked next to each other, nothing but the sound of them breathing heard between them.

The further they travel into the tunnel, the more Frodo has to resist the urge to gag. He brought his arm up to his nose, trying fruitlessly to block out the stench. He asked Sméagol what that smell was. "Orcses filth," he replied. "Orcses come in here sometimes."

Sméagol suddenly scurried ahead of him, calling out for Frodo to hurry up and catch up to him but after many attempts to keep up, Frodo lost Sméagol in the dark and winding passageways.


"Sméagol, where are you?"

Frodo called out into the darkness, a deep pit of dismay and fear settled in his stomach before the realisation set in. Sam had been right all along and now he was lost in a tunnel with Gollum gone and who knows what lingering in the shadows. His eyes darted around him at every little sound, trying desperately to find a way out. He could still hear Gollum calling out for him and Frodo had to stop himself from blindly trying to find the skulking creature so he could end his miserable life.

Using his hands to guide him through the tunnels, his fingers land in something sticky. "Ahh! It's sticky! What is it?"

"You will see. Oh yes, you will see." Gollum said from somewhere in the tunnel. Frodo glared into the darkness, imagining killing the creature. The Ring began taunting him, calling for him to kill Gollum. He clenched his jaw in defiance before turning his thoughts to other things to block out the Rings insistent jabbering.

Frodo continues to try and find the exit when his foot landed in the rib cage of someone's skeleton. His mind registers the other corpses hanging from what he could now identify as webs. A shudder ran down his back as he began to run. Guess he and Bilbo could now talk about their common hatred of spiders. He ran faster when he heard movement behind him when suddenly he tripped and landed in a pile of bones and webs.

He screamed as his eyes tried to search for something, anything that could help him in the darkness when he remembered his gift from Lady Galadriel. He fumbled in his pockets and pulled out the phial.

Frodo held the phial up and said, "Aiya Eärendil Elenion Ancalima!" (Hail Eärendil brightest of the Stars!). His blue eyes darted around him when he saw something large moving behind him. Blue eyes widened at the sight of the spider before standing and running, the ugly thing giving chase. He soon finds himself tangled in some webs, his body spread eagle off the ground. He starts to struggle against the webs to try and escape them to no use.

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