Wand in Hand

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Chapter Three: Wand in Hand

Six years later...

Years of training with Queen Solaria, Mina and the MHC has brought a grand result.

Meteora changed from a little girl, to one of the finest knights in all of Mewni.

From Rhombulus' training in imprisonment magic, combat and body build, to Omnitraxus Prime's size, Intangibility, and shapeshifting magic, tactic and observation, to Reynaldo's lessons in history and philosophy, to Hekapoo's lessons in Telekinesis, Pyrokinesis, Super speed, Self-duplication magic, forging, stealth, and survival, to Lekmet's teachings of Morals, Guidance, Goat tongue, and restoration magic, to Solaria's teachings of Mewmen Combat, to Mina's advance survival and improvising, to Eclipsa's teachings in magic, agriculture, culture, and other monarch knowledge with Festivia and leadership, and to Globgor's lessons in Monster Combat, Tactic, powers and lessons in the history of Monsters, except the more or less unpleasant parts with Solaria.

Meteora then signed up to become a squire for the Captain of the royal guards, with her family's blessing. At first, he was repulsed by the little monster girl, but then they shared a bond as she showed her stuff. On one adventure with the Captain, she found an orphan newborn Hydra and kept him as a pet.

She named her steed Nimbus.

But this wasn't her story.

No, no, no, this was her sister's story.

While Meteora was keeping the safety of Mewni, Festivia was giving happiness to their people. Her parties and celebrations brought smiles to everyone as they feasted and dance with their princess. They even gave her the title name Festivia the Fun. Though Meteora thought they would call her Festivia the Party Animal. Though she was proud of her sister's accomplishments, Meteora wished Festivia would take her role as heiress Princess more seriously.

As for Festivia, she saw her sister as a stick in a mud who should have more fun, and deep down, she was jealous of the things her younger sister could do. People even mistake Meteora as the older sister. It didn't help that her own Grandmother and Mina were campaigning to have Meteora become the next Queen. But she was too proud of her younger half sister for breaking out of the stereotype of the dull and average princess.

The two never were able to talk about how they feel of each other and argue constantly, causing a strain between the two. Of course, Eclipsa saw this and was working on a way to string her daughters back together. Globgor was supportive on this while Shastacan wants Festivia away from the Monster Princess and to be the one who drives the monsters out once and for all.

Perhaps this ceremony will help bring the Butterfly Sisters together.

The castle was filled with lords and ladies in fancy attire as the Royal Butterfly Family, who wore elegant things (Despite Solaria and Meteor preferring armor over dresses) were all gathered as they waited for Festivia to arrive and receive her birthright, the Royal Magic Wand.

The fanfares started blowing as Festivia arrived in an elegant and yet party appropriate dress, (The dress like in her mural) and skipped toward her family with excitement in her eyes. As she looked like she was going to explode with joy, The Queen of Darkness began her speech.

"As the sun rises to begin anew, so must it set to end the day. As my turn with the magic of Mewni is over, yours will begin. Princess Festivia, do you vow to use this wand for the best of your people, to protect and care for them, to defend against evil and to be the best ruler you can be even if the price is your very life?" Queen Eclipsa recited with her wand in the air.

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