Bring the Thread

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Chapter Four: Bring the Thread

A month later...

It seemed that things would get worse before things could get better.

The sisters still had trouble getting along and Solaria and Shastacan were only adding to the strain. Solaria for Meteora's constant training and Shastacan trying to keep Festivia away. It was not very good at all.

As Glossaryck learned firsthand, the Butterfly Sisters were complete opposites.

Festivia was the sunny and warm princess. For her love of parties and enjoyment of fun showed as brightly as her spells. She was truly the life of the party as she developed a handful of spells for celebrations she threw.

From the soda making spell to the endless firework spell, everything seemed to be a never-ending party for the girl. But despite Festivia fun-loving nature, she was a bit of an airhead and seemed far too careless for her own good.

If Festivia was the Sun, then Meteora was the Moon.

She was cold and mysterious, like the moon as she focused on keeping all of Mewni safe. Being trained and tutored in magic of her own, Meteora believed in Solaria's teachings of putting the kingdom before herself.

Meteora, researched heavily in the Book of Magic to better understand combat and training. She was bold, noble, and determined to a fault as she used magic and the power of her Monster Bloodline to keep Evil from destroying her home. But how can she do what's best for Mewni, if she can't do what's best for herself? Meteora was too serious and too stiff, she needed to relax and "actually" enjoy life.

The two had strengths and weaknesses that complemented each other nicely.

Fastivia can soften Meteora's heart, while Meteora can sharpen Festivia's mind.

All they need is an opportunity to do so.

What a better time than a time of Mewberty?

For it wasn't only the time where princesses take their most magical forms, but it was a time of maturity and growth.

All Glossaryck had to do is wait for one of them to begin.

Festivia had been planning for her next party for weeks as her sister Meteora was sharpening her sword with her armor on. Meteora preferred quietness rather Festivia's nutty parties where she makes it rain pie and club soda. It seemed that the sisters preferred to be apart than be together.

But today would change as the monster princess soon got a headache.

She shook her head as she went to the bathroom to get a drink of water from the sink. That's when she saw it, a club-like petal on her face. As she removed from her skin, she became curious about where it came from. Then it hit her like a massive hailstorm.

It was mewberty.

"No, not now. Festy! FESTY!" She screamed as she bolted out of the bathroom.

"I swear Mety, I didn't touch your brush. It was like that when I got there." The party princess began.

"Not that! Wait- you touched my brush? Never mind, look!"

She showed the petal to her sister who paled at the sight of it.

"Ah oh..."

At the Throne Room...

Eclipsa examined the petal very carefully to be sure.

Everyone in her family was in suspense of the answer, none more so than Globgor. He was worried for his little girl and knew very little about Mewberty. For all he knew, it was a fatal disease. Shastacan, on the other hand, was hoping it was fatal, or a good enough excuse to get rid of her.

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