Tomb of Shadow Spells

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Chapter Fourteen: Tomb of Shadow Spells

Meteora twirled as flames of darkness burned from the whip part of the wand.

The dark magic was coursing through her as she could feel her cheek marks become both cold and hot at the same time.

"Horrendous Hurricane!" She called as her dark wand swirled a maelstrom of purple winds, hitting the dummy and turning it into dust!

The monster princess sighed as she finally able to perfect her spell. Using her wand as a pen, she wrote down her spell in the book of magic, which twitched a bit and moaned, but went unnoticed by Meteora Butterfly. She then heard clapping behind her. She turned around to see Lucia and Mina, clapping for her.

"Nicely done, your majesty!" Mina hooted.

"You really are getting better." Lucia smiled as both came towards her.

"Thanks." Meteora blushed as she finished writing her spell, "I better get back to my sister. I promise to help her with her party plans after I've made my spell."

"How's she doing?" Lucia wondered.

Word had reach of her father's heroic death and all of Mewni have given her condolences. It may be a big fat lie, but it was not less appreciated.

The statue was placed in the Kingdom of Spiderbite as Festivia was free to come and go. She would often talk to the petrified form of her father as Meteora stood right beside her for emotional support. Then as they were about to leave, while Festivia or anyone else wasn't looking, the monster princess would spit at the statue. Despite all the horrible and wicked thing her father had done to everyone, she still loved him. He still broke her heart, knowing that.

His petrified self should be tankful to be stone forever. Because if he wasn't, Meteora would give him a beating of a lifetime and then some before sending him off for Mina to finish off.

"She's healing. Everyday gets better for her. One step at a time." Meteora answered as she picked up the book of spells.

"It always does. Give her my best regards." Mina requested before muttering, "Little Traitor..."

But it was quiet enough for Lucia not to hear, but enough for Meteora to.

Ever since the death of her Nana, Mina became her faithful soldier. They would train together, fight together, hunt together, Mina would guard her and her Sister's bedroom door, bathroom door, any door she was behind.

"How has your pursuit on the Rouge Monsters been doing? Any leads on their location yet?" Princess Meteora wondered as Mina gave a salute.

"No, my future queen. But I'm hot on their tails. When I catch those dirty lizards. I will personally mount their heads on the wall of your fireplace, Seth's bod will be stuffed in his last moments of terror for you." Mina Loveberry, the last of Solaria's Warriors vowed as she transformed and flew off to find the monsters.

"She's an odd one." The demon girl commented.

"True, but loyal to a fault." Meteora agreed as they both entered to castle to help out Festivia.

Inside the halls of Butterfly Castle...

Gemini (Meteora's creation and companion) was assisting the sister of his creator.

The party princess and future queen of Mewni was jotting down some plans for another party she was planning. She groaned as she crumpled up another piece of paper and tossed it to where the half-filled bin was set. Gemini picked up the bin and made sure the litter 'actually' made it to the bin, to keep the area clean.

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