Soon part 1

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Chapter Seventeen: Soon part 1

With their minds at ease and a holiday of Mewnipendence Day approaching, it was time to plan the biggest event for both Mewmans and Monsters.

This gruesome holiday was going to be changed to the day that Monsters and Mewmans co-exist, Festivia would make sure of that. The sins of her family will be washed away and Mewmans will finally see through the monster's scariness and look within.

Meteora, though willing to try was starting to think that it's too toxic for Mewmans to be accepting of monsters and vice versa. Sure, they accepted her, but they see her as a Mewman with monster blood, cursed with the powers of a monster king himself. Both sides are too insular at this moment. Maybe she should think of another way.

"Hey, Mety!" Festivia shouted, gaining her half-sister's attention, "Come on, we need to get ready for the party!"

"Right, coming!" Meteora shouted back as she grabbed her wand.

That was when Glossaryck appeared.

"Hello, dear Meteora." The tiny man greeted with his six fingers waving.

"Glossy, happy to see you, want me to make sure the party has pudding?" She wondered as she got everything she would need.

"Actually, I bring a gift for a future Queen." He smiled as he showed her a case.

"Queen?" Meteora questioned as she took the case.

"It will all make sense at the end of the day, trust me," Glossaryck spoke as he returned to the book.

The monster opened the case to see a dagger with a silver handle and a sunstone blade. Something about this blade was familiar to her. Then she then put two and two together it when she saw the crest of the Butterfly Family with her Nana's cheek marks in front of the wings. The Monster Princess realized that this was the dagger her Nana made it for killing Ronin, the Sunstone Dagger of Solaria. But if Glossaryck thinks she needs this then...

Meteora's eyes widened!

She needed to warn the rest of the family!

Meanwhile at the edge of the borders of the Butterfly Kingdom...

With armor revived and glistening with shining power, Ronin grinned at the sight of the kingdom, his home that he once lived, laughed and loved, before all the monsters ended his happiness.

It may have taken him time to cobble and restore the armor he and his brothers and sisters once wore years ago, but it was all worth it. This armor made him invulnerable and enhanced the power inside him tenfold. With this armor, he had more than enough to destroy every monster and traitor of Mewni and steal their souls. Soon, all of Mewni would be purged and he was not alone in his cause.

"Queen Solaria was wise enough to leave her to improve the recipe in my brain. I have created a thousand more like me." He muttered to himself as he could sense the others moving closer, "I needed to tweak it a bit but worth it to keep them sane and loyal."

He turned around to his mutated army of Bloodthirsty Solarians.

"They needed to prove their worth, My Queen. They needed to test how far they would go for you. They needed to sacrifice. Monsters for power, Demons for magic, pony heads for levitation, and mewmans for purity. They also sacrificed themselves to me, connecting us all to your divine mission, a realm free of Monster Kind forever." Ronin the maniacal Solarian Warrior vowed as he placed his sword in the dirt as others cheered behind him.

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