Battle at Butterfly Castle pt.2

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Chapter thirteen: Battle at Butterfly Castle pt.2

At Butterfly Castle...

Lucia came around to the castle as the knights allowed her in to see her sweetheart, Meteora Butterfly.

Flowers were within her arms as she and Meteora were alone together in the rose garden where her mother and father once met. The buds of the roses bloomed with a sweet fragrance as the couple trotted around the fountain. The birdicorns sang their songs of love as the fluttered into the sky with grace.

"I was really worried about you, you know." Lucia spoke in her native tongue as the two princesses held hands.

"You were?" Meteora wondered as she smiled gently at her girlfriend's concerns for her.

She could feel the love.

"When you ran off, I thought something horrible was going to happen to you and when I heard about the grim history of monsters, I was worried that you would change." Lucia explained as she held Meteora with one hand to see her face.

"I did change, though. I learned that life isn't just good or evil, it's blurred to the point that it's near impossible to tell. But I think... I think I can at least bring harmony to Mewmans and Monsters." The Monster Princess spoke.

"Do you really think you can do this on your own?" The demon princess wondered as she set her girlfriend down by the fountain to sit on.

"Not alone, but I won't be. My sister will be there with me on trying to get the two together. Maybe we'll fail, but there will be other generations to help them as well." Meteora Butterfly smiled as she watched the rainbow koi swim in the water.

"You're truly something special, Mety. A real Rising Star, and don't fret a thing. Because I'll be here to help you along the way." Lucia vowed as Meteora smiled at her lover, noticing her becoming less strict and stern, and becoming a little gentler in face and heart.

They happily watched the koi swim around as they thought about tomorrow, together with a brand-new world.

At the throne inside Butterfly Castle...

Festivia Butterfly, the acting queen sat upon her throne as Prince Musty Mountains was listening play her guitar.

"You know, Festy. When I hear you sing with your musical wings, I just go to pieces." Her boyfriend sighed as the Party Princess chuckled at her boyfriend's words.

"You're not very lyrical, but you know how to flatter a girl." Festivia giggled as she played a couple more strings.

"So, what song are you playing?" He wondered as Festivia played a new more notes.

"I'm trying to think of a good coronation song when I become queen. Mom was right, it's a lot harder than it looks." She explained as she relaxed on her throne.

"Isn't it a bit early to practice your coronation song?"

"It's never too early to plan ahead, besides with the experience of acting queen will give me some inspiration."

"You know, Festy, you're starting to sound like your sister." Musty points out.

"Yeah... She really opened my eyes a bit. I saw the suffering and discrimination of monsters, I saw what my antcestors did, what Nana Sol did." Festivia sighed as the memory of the tapestry was still fresh in her head, "I'm going to be queen one day and I need to make sure that everyone in my kingdom is happy and safe, Mewmans and monsters both."

"Festivia, you're truly a noble princess." The prince sniffed as he wiped away a tear, causing his girlfriend to smile and giggle a bit.

"Thanks." Festivia smiled as she took a break from her song and began to read a book about Monster Cultures.

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