Legends are Born

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Chapter Twenty-One: Legends are Born

Lekmet stepped forward as the Monster Princess was ready for whatever quest he would present.

The Goat Angel then clapped as Sean was walked in, carrying an enormous and heavy book, struggling to keep it in his grasp. The High Chancellor used his magic to summon and craft a lion themed pedestal out of nothing. Sean quickly placed the book on the pedestal as he was trying his hardest to catch his breath while his arms ached with pain.

All was silent as Lekmet was giving dramatic silence, opening the book that lit up with magic as sparkles spew forth from the pages. Once the light receded, Lekmet pulled up his glasses, and began looking through a certain page. Then the Goat Demon Angel cleared his throat.

"Baa!" He proclaimed.

No one except a few could understood what he said, but the Crystal Warden was more than happy to translate for him.

"Meteora Butterfly, The Rising Star, Daughter of Eclipsa The Queen of Darkness and The Monster King Globgor. For the Quest of Lekmet, you are to prove your determination, quick thinking, and might without the use of magic. You must not use magic, not with your wand, nor your own, or any such type of magic. Just you and you alone." Rhombulus proclaimed as the image of a mountain was projected by the book's magic.

"Baa, baa. Baa-Baa!"

"From the top of a frozen mountain with no name, far, far away from the kingdom of Mewni, lies the Book of Secret Dreams, written by a member of the Royal Butterfly Family from an era long since forgotten. You must retrieve the book, bringing it back to its home and you will receive the favor of Lekmet to become a queen!"

Everyone cheered for Meteora's first step to prove her worth.

"Baa! Baa-baa. Baa-baa. Ba-baa baa-ba-baa, baaa!"

"But be warned, for there is a great evil that thrives within the mountains and devours all who dare to climb. The beasts name is the Frost Harpy, Maerialle with talons sharper than any blade." Rhombulus translated for the Goat Man.

"I will not fail you. I will return with the book to its rightful place and prove my worth." The Monster Princess vowed to the commission.

"Baa." Lekmet informed as Sean came forward with a small box that had depictions of fire and the sun.

"Take this dagger with you. It is the Phoenix's Feather. It's hotter than the surface of the sun and can cut through anything." The crystal man explained as Meteora took the blade, while Hekapoo opened the portal to the path to the mountain.

"Thank you. When I return, I will return with the book." The Monster Princess vowed as she leapt into the portal.

All of Mewni watched her as she claimed up the mountain for hours, facing off with the murderous and hungry harpy, locating the book in the Harpy's Lair, slaying the harpy and retrieving the book. They cheered as the snow was cleared from the battle with Meteora holding the book in hand.

The forger of the Dimensional Scissors then opened the portal for the Princess who was applauded for her bravery. But there would be no rest for this warrior princess yet. She had earned the favor of one, but she will need all of them if she is to be a queen. It was then Omnitraxus' turn with his chosen quest.

"Meteora, you have proven that you have shown great strength and determination. But you need to be logical and wise to rule the throne. Two of the many requirements of being Queen. For my quest, using your wits and your wand with Queen Skywynne's and Eclipsa's spells, you are to leave for the Labyrinth Dimension, find its heart with the Dimension's King on his throne, and then bring his crown back." Omni proclaimed as he showed the magical projective images from the book.

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