Betrayal at Butterfly Castle pt.1

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Chapter Twelve: Betrayal at Butterfly Castle pt.1

Eclipsa was packing her things as Globgor was carrying his suitcase downstairs.

She was meeting with the MHC and the rest of the monarchs of Mewni to discuss for the next couple of days, the emergency meeting with the Rouge Monsters. The urgency was great enough to alert all the Rulers of Mewni to such a great threat.

It was the perfect time for Festivia to has some experience under her belt. She would be an acting queen for the time being. Lately, Eclipsa was slowly losing her trust in her other husband, King Shastacan Spiderbite as he was growing colder and more stoic. He had been quiet since the horrible and storm, which troubled the Dark Queen.

"Now, if you need anything, Lavender Star, be free to call for your Grandmother and Mina. They'll help you any way they can." Her mother reminded as the Butterfly Sisters listened, "Meteora, be sure to keep an eye out for any peculiar citizens coming around Mewni. There had been word of dangerous rouges being spotted."

"We've noticed. Is this Seth guy really that manipulative?" The Monster Princess questioned as she was reading a book of monster history.

"Very, he is like a shadow upon Mewni, hateful and unreasonable as anyone can be. He is extremely dangerous and the reason I added... a certain spell." Eclipsa muttered as she didn't even want to think about him.

The dark queen shook her head and returned to her peppy self.

"Now, we'll be gone for a few days. Looks after everything while we're gone. Stay safe and don't leave Mewni. Things have been hectic lately and I rather not have any more attacks. I love you." Globgor chimed in as he carried his wife.

"Love you." Both sisters said as the couple left in their chariot, leaving their daughters and the disgraced King Shastacan Spiderbite.

Meanwhile in the garden...

Speaking of the disgraced King of Mewni, he was waiting for his... Friend to arrive.

He heard the fluttering wings of a Kappa's wings could be heard. The bird-like monster flew down into Butterfly Castle undetected as the king was waiting for him.

"You're late." The Spiderbite huffed in an impatient tone.

"Forgive me, King Spiderbite, but the security of Mewni was near impossible of late due to my... Companions crossing paths with you Daughters-."

"I only have one daughter and she has gone native to t-those-those-!" Shastacan growled then calmed himself in a more composed manner, "Let's just meet with your leader and get my reward."

"Of course, your majesty. But are you not worried that people notice that you are gone?" The Kappa wondered and he kneeled.

"I left a note that I was going out. Now fly." He ordered as he got on his back.

"Yes, my king." The Kappa complied as he took off into the air.

At Solaria's Training Camp...

Meteora was going through the newest part of her Nana's obstacle course, this one preparing for Rouge Monster invasion.

"Keep your eyes peeled and your ears on high alert, Little Soldier! The attack could happen anywhere at any time! You must be ready!" Solaria advised while Mina was flinging Kappa Dummies!

"Nana, is it necessary to keep calling me Little Soldier? I am a couple of inches taller than you." Meteora wondered as she dodged the dummies and took the third one out with her claws.

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