Part 7: Rich is learning P.2

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(TW: swearing, mention of cutting, suicide and a little suggestive content )
(Jeremy's POV)

   I'm laying in my bed,  Michael has his arm around me I'm cuddled into his chest and he's running the fingers of his free hand though my hair.

    "If I could begin to be, half of what you think of me I could do about anything I could even learn how to love~" Michael's angelic voice sang. He was singing Love Like You by Rebbeca Sugar or... Steven Universe. Rich yelled that I needed Michael to protect me and everything's gone down hill. Rich apologized and for the most part we made up, but somehow the news about Michael cutting and his suicide attempt got out. People are doing things like giving him knives and writing "overdose,  blood loss, drowning" how he tried to do it, on everything, his locker , papers- everything! And some kids who heard him in the bathroom on Halloween, so not only the formally mentioned is being written but loser and crybaby followed  by emo is being written everywhere. Yet he's here worrying about my nightmares, and he's kept on a smile some how to. He's just the best.

    Michael's phone made a bing! Noise so he picked it up and checked the notification. I moved up to see it.

Rooster: Help you guys Jakey is crying!!!😥

What is he crying about?:You

Rooster: We found out Prince died!

I did the same about Marley 😓:You

    "Wait Bob Marley died!?" I asked.

    "Ya, he got cancer and said 'if this was his time then it shall be'." Michael explained.

    "Huh..." I replied. Michael continued to type for a minute more before plugging his phone up and putting his arm back around me.

    "Ok Jer time to go back to sleep." He said.

    "Ok" I mumbled cuddling back into him and falling back into a peaceful slumber.

    The next day was chaotic. We got to school and for the most part everything was normal being teased and called names, as has been happening. Michael and I were on our way to class but someone stood in front of us and we moved to go around them but they moved to block us.

    "What do you want?" Michael asked. The mystery guy held out a pocket knife. "No." Michael said as he tried to walk around him but I was suddenly grabbed.

   "Mich-" I tried to yell but was cut off by a hand over my mouth. Michael was about to run to get me but I felt a knife being pressed into my stomach.

    "One more step and he's gone. We don't want to hurt him we just want a show~" The mystery guy said. He walked up to Michael took his hand and pressed the pocket knife into his hand. I watched as Michael looked at it, as if considering it. I remembered that Rich and Jake had the same class on this hall. I bit the guys hand.

   "What the hell?!" The guy asked.

    "RICH Jake HELP-" I was cut off by someone throwing me to the ground.

    "Get him!" Someone yelled. Then Michael bolted for me swooping me up quickly and running with me in his arm's. We saw Rich, Jake and a security guard run past us, Rich turning with us, running with us after. We got around a corner and Michael sunk down against the wall with me still in his arm's. He wraped his arm's around me gently, like not tight as usual, which he has been doing a lot lately I don't know why I have my guess but I hope it's not for the reason I think it is. He buried his face in the crook of my neck.

[DISCONTINUED]  I'm Heere For You. (Michael Mellx Jeremy Heere) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz