part 13:It all goes downhill

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    (Michael's POV)

    It all started when I recommend that the the SQUIP squad to and play a game of dirty bingo. I thought it would be a good idea and we could all have fun. Its basically a game of bingo just with some strippers and when you win you get to pick a toy of your choice. I'm talking adult toys. And at the time it seemed like a good idea. It was not.

    So we went, it was fun me and Jer won and everyone won at least once. I bought Jeremy home late though. I mean, traffic was bad! I got Jer  home and knew he was gonna be yelled at so I went in with him and decided that if we were both gonna go in I should bring in the toys to. We both got in and Mr.Heere was on the couch he looked over at us, along with Conner,Evan and Heidi.

    "Where have you two been?" Mr.Heere asked. His tone strict and mad.

    "We were out... Playing dirty bingo." Jeremy explained , a nervous tone in his voice, as he fiddled with the end of his light blue cardigan anxiously.

    "You said seven, it's seven thirty." Mr. Heere pointed out. Conner was looking at me confused. I told him how Mr.Heere was, so he knows he isn't this strict normally. I began making my way towards the stairs before Mr.Heere noticed the bag and got pushy.

    "We got caught in traffic." I said, now walking up the stairs.

    "What's in the bag?" Mr. Heere asked eyeing the bag.

    "Oh! Nothing, nothing you need to worry about!" Jeremy said quickly as I started walking faster. Evan looked worried and Conner looked pissed.

    "No, it's something I need to worry about if you have to hide it!" Mr. Heere argued standing up and over to me. And before I could do anything  Mr.Heere snatched the bag from me and looked inside. I watched as his eyes widened and his head shot up.

    "What the fuck is this." Mr. Heere asked. He looked pissed and modified at the same time. I snatched the bag back.

    "Nothing of your business." Jeremy replied. Mr.Heere gave me this death glare, that made me want to throw up.

    "Michael, leave." Me. Heere growled. I felt my face pale.

    "Nononono!Michael stay." Jeremy begged grabbing my hand. He gave me puppy dog eyes.
    And I don't know how but Mr.Heere got me out of the house. And then things went spiraling.

(Jeremy's POV)

    Two day later my dad walked into my room.(without knocking) And he said that me and Michael. couldn't see each other without an adult in the house, and Evan and Conner don't count. Me and Michael argued we were adults but he said that I'm under his roof. Michael said he didn't want me to get into anything with my dad so I keep my mouth shut.

    Things went down hill. My attachment issues were kicking my but, and panic attacks were happening a lot more. I was always anxious and worried about everything. I couldn't leave the house without someone with me And I had to trust them.( Christine, Conner, Evan) I was quite literally crying myself to sleep, if I could sleep.

And Michael wasn't doing any better. When I did see Michael he seemed sadder and wasn't talking as much. He also seemed tired, dragging his feet and giving half-assed responses, and didn't want to do or didn't have an opinion on anything. He seemed to have lost interest in everything he once saw as fun. AOTD- video games in general, drawing, his guitar, vintage soda, even music!

    I was getting really worried about him. He was so out of character it was scary and unsettling. Michael always got like that like once a month for around two weeks or more but that was in 4th and 6th grade! His dad was abusing him! He hasn't been like this for years!

    And everyone was noticing to. The SQUIP squad asked me about it and I didn't have an answer. So after a week roughly, Rich and Jake came over to hang out and keep me company as I couldn't see Michael.

    "So Jeremy, yesterday we went to Michael's and-" Rich grimaced before continuing. "-we think he's depressed... Again." Rich finished his sentence. And it hit me. I never even thought about that. Didn't even Consider it! It was a shocker to say in the least.

    "And we noticed a pattern.-" Jake started. "-he gets really sad for two weeks and the he's mostly ok, for like a month or until something bad happens then he's back where he was." Jake pointed out.

    "yeah it's wired..... " A silence tell over the room. "Has that always happened?" Rich asked.

    " Yeah, since I think 4th. It goes away for a while though, then it comes back. " I explained.

     "Well I think you should talk to him. He trusts you more than us or... Anyone for that matter. When we got there, there were bags under his eyes, like he hasn't slept. Cheek up on him ok?" Jake told me. I nodded as Rich stood up.

    "We gotta go Jakey. " Rich said, walking toward the door. Jake got up to, giving me a pat on the back. We said our goodbyes and then they were gone.

     And that's when I got an idea.


AN: Ok so I kinda didn't know what to do or how to explain this chapter. Sorry for now short it is!!! The next will d's longer I promise!

    Word count:919

[DISCONTINUED]  I'm Heere For You. (Michael Mellx Jeremy Heere) Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя