part 30: Jake

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(Jeremy's POV)

"Jake what the hell!?" Michael yelled at Jake. Jake flinched, I stood behind them.

The clubs club's lights were dimmer from out here, so I could actully half understand the world around me while being drunk. I was slowly sobering up, but I was still drunk.

I still understood what was happening though.

Me and Michael had just cought Jake making out with a girl in a club... but he was dating Rich. You probably know what this means

"I-I-" Jake studered

"NO! You- you're cheating on Rich?!" Michael yelled. He looked affronted for Rich, hurt.

"I-I can explain!" Jake argued I grabbed Michael's shoulder.

"Let him." I told Michael, he nodded, still looking pissed.

"Rich stopped having sex with me! And I gotta get off some how-" Jake replied. I felt my jaw drop. What the fuck kinda excuse was that? Jake is better than that, I know that!

"Jerk off man! You dont have to go and bang people, you could jack off! Or even better, just ask Rich!"Michael replied, his voice raising a bit. Witch was always scary. "Now, I'm gonna go find Rich and you're gonna tell him, or I will."

Jake couldnt say anything before Michael was walking back into the club, letting the obnoxiously bright and flashy lights, and blaring music be heard, even if only for a couple of seconds.

Thank god Michael's getting better, or else we wouldn't be here, he would be able to handle it.

Michael's actually only here cuss of me. I wanted to go clubbing, Michael didnt want me going alone, so he came. We didnt know Rich and Jake were here though.

"You fucked up big time Jake." I told him. He sighed.

"I know." He replied.


Michael sighed. We were all in Jake's living room, Rich and Jake on one couch me and Michael on the other.

"Jake I'll let you start." Michael said Jake bit his lip, he looked nervous.

"Guys just- tell me, what's going on?" Rich asked.

I had a feeling Rich knew. Rich isn't dumb, he's smart and confident, he probably knows what the hell is going on. Witch is probably why he isn't having sex with Jake.

"Ya'know what? No. This isn't your business Michael." Jake spat. Michael groaned. I had a bad feeling, it only got worse as Jake stood up.

That's one rule about arguing, never stand up, try and sit down, or else, you'll find yourself in the others face, witch leads to violence, I learned this from Michael, witch is why it shocked me when he also stood.

"I won't let you keep doing this to him!" Michael replied raising his voice, both me and Rich flinched away.

Michael isn't a voliont person, hes extremely protective of the ones he loves though.

Jake, also not necessarily a violent person, he is quick to anger and gets pissed if you push his emotional boundaries, even a little to far... or just boundaries in general. But we all do that.

I hate to admit it, but Michael's in the wrong here. Michael tries to fix others problems but you can't do that, sometime you just gotta leave it. What Michael should've done is talk to Jake calmly, if he didn't listen, we try again, and of it doesn't work after a couple tries maybe tell Rich.

Not.... this.

Though Michael being Michael has probably just realized his mistake, after it's too late and now is going to stick by his decision like the stubborn little shit he is.

"Fuck off Mell!" Jake yelled, and we all saw it a little before it happened, Jake's fist raise, before flying at Michael's jaw.

Now, normally this would've lead to Michal having a panic attack... or something along those lines, but.... Michael hit back.

Something his moms always told him not to do. He got in a fight with Rich once back in sophomore, they gave him a run for his money.

But that's another story.

Me and Rich were frozen, not knowing what to do or how to do it. Michael and Jake were going at it and I had a sudden realization that they might kill eachother.

"SHIT RICH HELP!" I yelled, and jumped up, prying Michael and Jake off eachother by some miracle, and Michael, finnaly found his self control and stopped trying to get to Jake.

Michael looked at Rich who was shaking.

"Rich, baby are you okay." Jake asked going to him.

"NO DON'T TOUCH ME!" Rich yelled. He was shaking on the couch. "You cheat on me now you're fighting my friends!? Its over!" Rich yelled, before hopping off the couch and walking toward the door. Jake stood there, un moving and frozen.

I guess Rich knew.

I ushered Michael up, he made sure I was in front of him and then, he was punched.

"Go to the car I'll met you!" Michael told me, I nodded as Michael held Jake's hands, Jake had tears on his face.

Michael can handle himself. He knows who he is and what he wants. He respects others and Hope's they respect him. I strive to be like that, he wouldnt be nearly as sad as he is if he didn't have as much PTSD as he did, and if he could get emotionally stable he would the most over powered person on the planet.
I couldnt believe how violent it got... All I know is that me, Michael and Rich were currently driving to Michael's dentist to get wire put in his mouth, cuss Jake knocked loose one of his teeth.

"I can't believe he did that..." Rich stormed from the back seat.

"Its how he was raised. And you can stay with us till you and Jake fix things if you want to." Michael replied.

"You sure you're okay?" I asked him. He sighed.


I looked back out the window.


JAKE.D : Hey man


JAKE.D : Bad shit. The Michael kid from back in high, the one that sucked you off at that party? Yeah he rated me out for cheating.

CONLAN :Really? Damn. That sucks man, if I see him I'll give him some shit.

JAKE.D : Sure man.


[DISCONTINUED]  I'm Heere For You. (Michael Mellx Jeremy Heere) Where stories live. Discover now