The One Where It All Begins

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Beca's POV

Sometimes people think it's fun and exciting to move to a new house and state. Well wanna know what I think. It's a living hell. During the whole car ride home my dad and Sheila couldn't stop being in love. Kissing each other's hand and saying their favorite things about each other. Gross. And then there's Adam. My older brother. He keeps being gross. And he won't stop singing. He sang so loud and he can sing good but not all the time. And when we were unpacking,I got stuck with the room next to Adam. Ugh.... And we start our first year at Barden High and I swear if people ask if we're related I'm gonna be like"I've never seen this person in my whole entire life"

I finally finish taking my last box up to my room and I lay on my bed.

"BECA!!! Can you come down here please??" My dad yells.


"NOW!!" He yelled.

I walked down stair annoyed.

"What" I asked him.

"Go to the truck and go help your brother get the last of Sheila's thing." He said

"Wait why can she do it. You know God gave her legs for a reason." I say to him

Then Adam walks in

"Because her ankle hurts and I don't want her to be hurt more. Now go."he snaps

"Dad my everything hurts. Can I stop working now?"Adam says

"No. Now go before it starts raining. Beca go help him." He tells us

"Why can't she pick her own fucking stuff up?!"I ask Adam

"I know. Because she's so tall and she can't bent over that much or else she'll break her back so she asked u to do it." He tells me

"So. I like being short. Even though your only 11 months older than me,I'm more mature than you to be honest."I tell him

"No your not. You went out with a guy for 7 months and you already made a restraining order. Shit,you even had dad to break up with him for you." Adam says

"So,at least I have had my first kiss and been in a date. Your just there flirting with girls who u don't have a chance with. Even girls flirt with me and I'm straight."I say to him

"You know why. Because your little WHORE!!!" Adam yells at me.

"That's it!!"I say as I drop the box and chase after him. He's running sorta slow so I'll get him."come back here you little bitch!!!" I yell

"Catch me if you can"he says

"YOU GUYS!!! Stop acting like 5 year olds and hurry up. And you guys are talking about being mature. Look at yall!" Dad yells

(28 MINUTES LATER....... They finish with Shelia's things

Then 4 Hours later Beca finishes unpacking everything she owns)

Finally,I get to rest. On my own bed and sleep. Shit it's already 12:34am. And there's school tomorrow. Ughhhh...... I'm so tired.....

Then I drift off to sleep.

6:45 am.....

I yawn and start to get ready for school. Shower/teeth/hair/makeup/clothes/shoes/bag/phone charged/school stuff/ and now I'm just waiting on Adam.

"ADAM YOU BETTER GET YOUR ASS UP BEFORE WE'RE LATE ON THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL!!" I yell,trust me I'm not in the mood. I'm also not a morning person either. I just want to do what I want and not what the whole world wants. Like I'm my own person who makes my own decision. Sure I'm only 16 but I believe I'm a mature woman....sorta....... 10 minutes later adam walks down the stairs.

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