65th Scribble

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Yoongi handed Jimin the box he saw on the doorway. Knowing that Jungkook must've left it for Jimin to see, Yoongi passed it to him. 

The older placed the lunch box on Jimin's bed table with a small smile.

"I'd respect whatever you decide on doing with it but... maybe you should still see for yourself." Yoongi told with his expectant eyes.

Jimin looked at the note that was attached to the lunch box.


I made sure that you can eat everything here.

I know that you still don't want to see me that's why I didn't come in but... 

Please eat, Jimin.



Jimin opened the lunch box that Jungkook prepared for him but he only had his blank face on. He closed it immediately and Yoongi made a sigh knowing what will come next.

"Take it away, hyung. I don't want it."

♛Scribbles♛ (Jikook/Kookmin) [[COMPLETED]]Where stories live. Discover now