Chapter 1

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Josie POV

My heart is racing. We are running out of time and we still have to finish Kimmon and Copter's outfit. I don't know if we have enough time. I look at Dee and she is busy working away. I can't believe that she is so calm. How can she be so calm?

I turn back towards Kimmon and I undo his top couple of buttons. I know that the fans really love it when he shows a little skin and I'm sure they will go crazy today. I pull his shirt, so it is open a little wider than normal. Then I quickly make sure that his necklace is positioned correctly.

I jump a little as someone shouts, "Hurry up! SBFIVE needs to be on stage in 5 minutes!"

Shit! I'm running out of time.

Kimmon asks, "Are you done yet?"

I take one last look at him and slowly nod my head. Oh shit! I forgot his jacket. I suddenly shout, "Hold on. I forgot your jacket." I quickly dash over to the rack and grab his jacket. As I'm rushing back, he turns around and immediately slide it up his arms.

He turns around slowly. "Does everything look all right?"

I quickly run my eyes up and down his body and I can't see anything out of place. I slowly nod my head. "I think so."

"Good and thanks, by the way. You did good." Kimmon flashes me a warm smile and turns to go stand by Tae and Tee.

I look back over at Dee and Copter to see if she needs any help. Dee smiles and happily chirps, "Okay! You look great! Go get them tiger!!"

Copter looks down at his outfit and slowly rubs his bare chest. "Umm... but the buttons..."

Dee quickly replies, "Don't worry about it darling. Just go!" She puts her hand on his shoulder and gently pushes him towards the rest of SBFIVE.

However, Copter seems like he doesn't want to go. "B.but.."

Dee instantly cuts him off. "You've got this!!" This time she gives him a strong push and Copter nearly stumbles towards the others.

I quickly bite my lip trying to control the little giggle that is trying to escape. Copter looks so amazing. I'm just so surprised that the designers have him in a low-cut shirt like that. That is so odd. The last two big events, they have him revealing so much more than usual. However, I'm not complaining. Shoot, I even opened Kimmon's shirt more than usual.

I turn back to Dee just as she sighs and smiles at Copter.

Tae's deep laughter instantly pulls my attention back to SBFIVE. Tae is pointing at Copter while Tee playfully tries to poke Copter's chest. However, Copter quickly bats Tee's finger away as he hisses, "Stop it, Tee. I already know that my chest is showing. I didn't pick the outfit. I just wore what they told me to wear."

Kimmon smiles and lifts his chin towards Tee. "Well, at least we are dressed like identical twins. Some would even call it a couple's outfit."

Bas' giggles instantly fill the room. Oh, I have to admit that Tae and Tee are looking a little odd. Their outfits are almost identical. The only difference are the shoes and pants. Other than that, they are wearing exactly the same thing.

Bas playfully pats Tae's arm and chimes, "I think the fans will believe that they are wearing a couple's outfit. The only thing that they will be wanting more is for Tae and Tee to hold hands, or maybe put..."

Copter suddenly blurts out, "Oh, Tae has to put his arm around Tee now. They are just waiting for something like that to happen."

Kimmon chuckles. "Yeah, Cop and I are still getting questions about our accidental kiss. The fans just loved it."

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