Chapter 13

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I glance towards the door as my heart begins to race. Was Kimmon and Tae able to stop August? What are we going to do if they weren't able to stop August and he finds Bas?

Bas huffs, "TEE! Are you going to help or not?"

I quickly snap my attention to Bas and chime, "I was just trying to think of where it could be." I turn towards Copter and ask, "What is it again that we are looking for?"

Well, I know that there isn't really anything that we are looking for, but I can't help but to tease Copter a little.

I glance across the room at Copter and smile. Oh, if he could voice what he really wants to say, I'm sure that he would be swearing at me right now, but he can't, which makes this even better.

Copter glares at me for a bit before he shakes his head and huffs, "I forgot my sunglasses." He turns and glares at me again as he growls, "My favorite pair. I can't leave without them."

I bite my lip trying to keep myself from laughing. However, inside, my mind is going crazy hoping that August didn't get into the building.

Copter glares at me again and points towards the bathroom. "Tee look in the bathroom. Bas and I will continue to look out here."

I glance at Bas before I head towards the bathroom. I don't protest because I have a feeling that if I stay in the same room as Copter, he will end up exploding at me.

I slowly make my way to the bathroom. Since I'm not in front of Bas, I can't bring myself to make my search look real. Instead of looking for the imaginary sunglasses, I stand in the middle of the bathroom and slowly turn around looking at every surface in there.

However, I can't say that I can't find anything this quick. Bas will know that I'm not even trying. Well, technically, there isn't anything to try to find, since Copter made the whole thing up.

I glance at my watch. What is the proper amount of time to search a bathroom?

I slowly peak around the corner of the door and watch Bas and Copter search the changing room. I don't dare get caught by Copter watching them. I'm not sure exactly what he will do to me, and I don't want to find out.

I slowly step away from the door and glance down at my watch again. Five minutes. It has only been five minutes. How much longer should I stay in here?

Once again, I glance around the bathroom. Should I make noise and move things?

Copter's voice suddenly flows into the bathroom. "Hey, are you here to help look for my sunglasses?"

Tae's deep chuckle immediately has me dashes out of the bathroom and into the changing room, as Tae asks, "Copter, you lost your sunglasses?"

I look at Tae and Kimmon who are standing just inside the door. I don't want to give it away, but I want to know what happened.

Tae instantly stops chuckling as Copter directs his glares at Tae. At least, Copter is lashing out at someone else this time.

As Bas continues to look for the sunglasses in the corner of the room around the couch, Copter stands in front of the wardrobe closets on the opposite side of the room and growls, "Yes. My favorite pair too."

With Bas' back turned towards Tae and Kimmon, I raise my hands up slightly to try and silently ask what happened. However, Tae tilts his head and mouths silently, "What?"

Ugh... Do I have to spell it out for him? We have all been worried about one thing, which unfortunately happened not long ago. He should already know what I'm talking about.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2020 ⏰

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