Chapter 10

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Stacy POV (Kimmon's designer)

I look through the clothes on the rack. I think I have everything. The theme this time is pink, and I have to admit that the guys really look good in pink. Personally, it is my favorite theme.

I turn towards Josie and ask, "Did you get the additional eyeshadows and lip gloss that will compliment these outfits. I'm not sure yet which one I'm going use for today's event. I need to make sure that I have everything for their makeup regardless of which outfit I pick for him."

Josie smiles and nods her head. "Yes. I also have several additional items just in case you want to do a little extra."

A little extra? What in the world is she talking about?

My thoughts are interrupted as SBFIVE walks into the large dressing room and Bas hisses, "I'm not going to say anything guys. It isn't important and he doesn't need to know."

Tee nudges his shoulder. "Bas, you can't keep it from him. He will want to know."

Copter frowns and huffs, "He most definitely will want to know. Afterall, he isn't just a friend."

Tae raises an eyebrow and scolds, "Guys, not here. We will talk about this later."

Kimmon drapes his arm around Copter's shoulders. "I agree with Cop."

Tae turns and looks at Kimmon and scowls. "I said LATER. Do you not know what the meaning of later is?"

Kimmon frowns and hops behind Copter. "I know what it means, but I'm not saying anything that anyone would know what I'm saying. Cop, Tae is being mean."

Copter shakes his head and walks away while Tae is glaring at Kimmon.

Josie leans towards me and pokes my arm. "Hey, what was that all about?"

With my eyes still watching Tae and Kimmon's stare down, I mumble, "I don't have any clue. Did something happen recently?"

Josie shrugs. "I haven't heard of anything. Maybe the others know what is going on."

Confused, I mumble, "Maybe." When Kimmon and Tae walk off, I turn back towards the clothes. I guess I better decide which outfit that I'm going to have Kimmon wear today. I don't have much time now.

A staffer walks into the dressing room and calls out, "We have one hour before the event starts."

I glance down at my watch. Well, I guess it is time to get things going.

I scan through the clothes and I finally decide what I want Kimmon to wear. I turn back towards Josie and I begin explaining how I want the hair and makeup to look.

She smiles. "He is going to look amazing."

I smile and nod. "I hope so."

A manager steps into the dressing room and walks towards SBFIVE. "Chop. Chop. We don't have much time. Each of you go and get ready for the event. I want to take some photos before the event, so the sooner that you are dressed and ready, the sooner we can get those photos."

SBFIVE members don't reply. Instead, they get up and walk towards the appropriate person.

I give Kimmon the clothes and explain how I want him to wear them. He nods his head and walks off with the clothes to the change room.

When he has changed clothes, he walks back out and holds his hands up and out to the side. "Is this how I was supposed to do it."

I look him up and down and then slowly walk around him. I fixed a few things, but Kimmon is a professional. I don't have to fix too much. He got most of it done correctly.

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