Chapter 4

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A/N:  I have to confess.  I'm having way too much fun working with BSNW-Dani and ToyaNeko.  For this chapter alone, I think I was laughing more than anything.  At times, I was laughing so hard that I was crying and I couldn't even type.  Part of my enjoyment was all the pictures that I had running through my head as we were working through the chapter.  

I hope you enjoy it as much as we did writing it.  

Oh, before I forget, this chapter gets a little steamy, but it isn't too bad.  Read at your own risk.  😊

Kimmon POV

What is all the noise about? I look up from my tablet and I watch as Bas and Tee come stumbling into the hotel room with bags in their hands as they giggle uncontrollably. I raise an eyebrow. Well, I guess they are being their normal silly selves again.

I glance over at Tae and he seems to have the same expression as me. However, he doesn't sit quietly. He quickly barks, "What is going on? Aren't you supposed to be looking over our schedule for tomorrow and study what is expected of us?"

Tee and Bas instantly go quiet as they quickly look at each other and then burst out laughing again.

Okay. Clearly, we are missing the inside joke here, but before I can ask, Bas and Tee suddenly dump the contents of their bags onto the coffee table in front of us.

What is this? I lean forward to try and get a better look. Just as I reach for one of the tubes, Tee grabs one and giggles as he jiggles the tube back and forth. He playfully chimes, "Glitter!"

Copter suddenly comes dashing into the room and shouts, "NO!!"

Still giggling Tee and Bas look at Copter and nod their heads. Bas happily chirps, "Yes, and plenty of it."

Copter's eyes instantly pop wide open in excitement. Oh, I think he likes the idea of body glitter. However, to my surprise, he huffs and puts his hands on his waist as he scolds Tee and Bas. "What are you thinking? You can't bring body glitter into our hotel room. Do you remember the incident from a couple weeks ago? If I'm not mistaken, you two are still paying for that one?"

Oh, how can we forget about that one. Someone thought that it would be "fun" to have a food fight, but they forgot that blueberries stain. Let's just say that there were blueberry spots all over the carpet and the bed that the company had to pain for the damages, which in turn the company took out of both Tee and Bas's paycheck. It wasn't cheap either. I can't image what body glitter would do. Well, I don't think that it would stain like the blueberries.

Bas instantly pouts and whines, "Cop, you are no fun. Usually Tee is the one acting like my mom and now you too. This is just wrong and on so many levels."

Tee waves Copter away, as he chimes, "What is glitter going to do? Make the carpet shine? Who can complain about that?"

Well, I don't really think that is how the hotel will see it, but Tee does always have his own view on things.

Before I can say anything, Tae clears his throats and states, "I think the glitter will cost just as much as the blueberries, if not more."

Tee whips his head towards Tae and sticks his tongue out. Then he huffs and puts his hands on his hips and snorts, "It isn't going to stain anything. It just may need to be vacuumed up and I'll be more than willing to help vacuum it up. It looks like too much fun to just leave it alone. Plus, Bas has already had it on his body and I haven't yet. I want to see what I look like with it on. I bet I'll look sexy."

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