Chapter 12

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Kimmon POV

I glance at the other members of SBFIVE before I turn back to the MC and smile as I block out the loud screams from the fans. I don't dare answer that question or the fan's scream will blow my eardrums out.

However, Bas doesn't seem to mind as he smirks and playfully chimes, "Well, you will just have to wait to see the drama, but I'm pretty sure that there will be skinship."

I try to keep my smile on my face as the MC squeals while the screams from the fans become almost deafening. Oh, why did he have to answer like that? I'm sure that he is enjoying all the attention that is directed at Copter and me, instead of at him, where it is usually directed at.

I keep my smile while I mentally curse at him. He knows that we don't want the fans to get all hyped up yet. We don't even know what the script will be so we shouldn't be promising anything.

The MC fans herself as she looks at Copter and then at me. She even has a sparkle in her eye and a smirk dances across her face like she is imaging what that skinship might be. 

Tae turns towards the MC and politely says, "We will release more information later when we know more about the drama. At this time, we can't promise or confirm anything."

The MC smiles and nods at him. "Yes. I understand, but we all can hope for something good." She glances once more between Copter and me before she finally chimes, "Well, I think that is it for today. Thank you all for coming and don't forget to stop by at the back of the venue to get some commemorative merchandise for today's event."

The other members of SBFIVE and I take a final bow before we wave at our fans and walk off of the stage.

Normally, I'm on cloud nine after an event, but today, I just can't get as excited as I usually do. I can't get my mind off of what August has done. Not to mention the fact that Bas is keeping it from Godt. He really needs to let his boyfriend. 

I wave to the staff as we walk through the door and into the hallway. Instinctively, I first glance both ways before I proceed. This whole thing about August has me on edge. I know that we have additional security, but I don't trust them completely. I know how some obsessed fans can be and he is a radio guy with a popular station and many fans.

It would take just one of those fans being one our new security guards, and he could get into the building.

Luckily, I'm at the front of the group and one word from me, the rest would stop and get back.

As we begin to head down the hall, Copter leans towards me and whispers, "Do you think that August will really show up here today? He can't be that stupid. Right?"

I slowly shake my head and whisper back, "I'm not sure, but I'm not taking any chances. Is Tae and Tee keeping Bas occupied just in case?"

Copter nods his head. "Yeah. I can still see that it is bothering Bas, even if no one else is picking up on it."

With my eyes quickly scanning the hall, I softly mumble, "Me too."

My heart suddenly slams hard against my chest as the faint sound of fighting hit my hears. Immediately, all my fears, about whether August would actually come here today, washes over me. However, I can't let Bas know about this.

My feet suddenly stop working and I'm frozen in my spot.

I slowly turn towards Copter, and he can hear it too. I don't have to say anything as he quickly turns towards Bas and chimes, "Hey, Bas. Come with me. I forgot something back at the stage."

Vague:  Backstage to SBFIVEWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu