Chapter 8

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August POV (the guy that just interviewed SBFIVE)

I can't believe that I actually got to interview SBFIVE. I didn't say anything when they were here, but I'm a big fan. I tried to keep myself from squealing like a fanboy, but mentally I was going crazy. This has to be the highlight for this year or maybe even my whole career.

As I'm daydreaming about our interview, one of the other employees pops his head into the audio booth. "Hey, August. You did a great job today, and SBFIVE were amazing too."

Reluctantly, I stop my reminiscing and smile. "Thanks, Bob. I have to agree that SBFIVE is amazing. I'm hoping that I will be able to interview them again soon."

Bob looks down on the floor. "Hey, why is your laptop on the floor?"

My laptop. I look down at the desk and my laptop is right here.

Confused, I shake my head. "That isn't my laptop."

Bob steps into the audio booth and picks up the laptop off the floor and turns it over trying to find out who's it is.

I can't think of whose it could be. The only people that have been in here this morning have been SBFIVE. Shoot! It is one of SBFIVE's laptop. I need to get this back to them. Where did they say that they are staying?

I quickly scroll through my emails, and I see the message from my producer who was giving the information that I need for the interview, and she includes the name of the hotel where they are staying while they are here. I quickly grab my phone and I hop up from the chair. I dash over to Bob and before he tried to open the laptop, I snatch it from his hands. "I know whose laptop this is, and I'll take it to him."

I don't wait for a response and I immediately head out of the audio booth and down the hall. As I'm rushing through the lobby towards the main entrance, I pull my phone out of my pocket. I need to know what room that they are staying in and there is only one person in our company that has that information. I scroll through my contacts until I find my producer's number. I mentally hope that she will give me the information.

I call her and before she even has a chance to say anything, I blurt out, "Hey, SBFIVE left their laptop in the audio booth after the interview and I'm on my way to the hotel. Can you give me their room number? I don't want it to fall into the wrong hands and have any compromising things end up on the internet."

She hesitates for a second. Oh, please tell me the room number. I'm really not doing anything wrong besides returning something that they left behind. I know that I could have someone else give it to them, but I'm going to use this as another opportunity to see Bas again. Maybe I can get a little closer to him.

The producer sighs. "They are staying in the VIP suites on the top floor. You know which ones that I'm referring to?"

"Yes! Are they in the largest suite?" I think I already know the answer, but I just want to confirm it.

"Yes, but you can't tell anyone, and you have to leave as soon as you give them their laptop back. Okay."

I open my car door and I set the laptop down on the front passenger seat as if it is a delicate piece of glass that is about to break. "Yes. I understand. I'll be back soon."

I quickly hop in the driver's seat, and I rush off towards the hotel. I just hope that they will be there. I don't know what their schedule is for today, but I remember them saying that they have a full load.

Once, I park my car in the parking garage at the hotel, I rush into the building and up to the top floor.

As I get closer to the door, my steps slow down to a normal pace. I see that the door is wide open, and I can see the corner of a cleaning chart in the room. Oh, they must be cleaning the room now.

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