Chapter 7

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Mina POV

I watch SBFIVE walk past heading to the interview, and I can't wait to see what it is going to be like. I hope that they ask SBFIVE some really good questions. Oh, maybe the interviewers can ask them if they could date someone, and who it would be. Yes. That would be a prefect question. Then Tae and Tee can say that they would date each other. Then they could even reference the couple outfit that I made them wear at an event recently as proof that they are secretly dating.

Oh, that would be so perfect. Now, I hope that they ask the question. That would just be perfect and so many fans would love it and support them. Me being the first one, of course.

I silently chuckle to myself.

Dee brings me out of my daydream as she lightly nudges my arm. "Hey, are you going to go watch the interview with us in the other room. The staff says that they have a monitor setup in there for us to watch the whole thing."

I smile and nod my head. "Yes. I wouldn't miss it for anything."

I mentally beg, "Please ask them who would they date."

I eagerly follow Dee into a room just around the corner where the rest of the stylists are along with Gurtha. Oh, I wish that they would find someone else besides her. She is always trying to ruin our fun. It is so irritating. Ugh....

I shake my head and turn my attention to the monitor. I can see that all the members of SBFIVE are seated while the staff adjusts the mics. Oh, this is going to be great.

Josie looks at the monitor and happily chimes, "The guys look amazing again. I don't want to brag, but I think we did another good job with them."

Dee smiles and nods her head. "Yes, I would have to agree."

I quickly chime, "Me too."

Gurtha immediately huffs, "Well, it isn't hard to make them look amazing when they are handsome to begin with."

Ugh... Does she have to always spoil the mood? Is there anyway for her to just go? I want to watch the interview in peace and the only peace that I can see is that Gurtha isn't here. Please, someone take her away.

Dee quickly snaps, "Well, I would agree that they are extremely good looking to begin with, but we make them look not just handsome. With our help, we turn them into something amazing."

Gurtha waves her hand in the air and huffs, "Whatever."

I can't control myself as I roll my eyes.

Ugh... I really dislike her and that says a lot. I usually don't hate anyone, but she is making it really hard for me not to hate her.

I shake my head and I turn my attention back at the monitor.

The interview begins and everyone's attention is instantly glued to the monitor. The room becomes completely quiet and no one wants to risk missing anything by making a noise.

As soon as the interview is done, the room erupts in cheers of joy and laughter.

Joyce laughs. "I had wondered where all the extra bottles of body glitter went. I didn't see Vicci pick them up and no one knew what happened to them. Well, I guess I know now what happened. Oh, I wish I could have seen them playing with it. I bet it was hilarious."

I nod my head. "Yes! I wonder where they applied the body glitter. Do you think they did more than just their arms?"

Dee chuckles. "Oh, knowing Bas, I'm sure that the body glitter ended up everywhere. The big question is, did they rub it on each other's bodies and where?"

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