Chapter 11

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Stacy POV (Kimmon's designer)

As I help Josie clean up our area, I lean towards her and whisper, "Hey, what do you think he meant by August doing something to Bas's laptop?"

Josie glances over towards SBFIVE and shrugs. "I don't know. Could he have scratched the laptop? Or maybe even broke it?"

I shake my head. "I don't know, but I did see concern in his face. Would he have shown that if August scratched the laptop or even broke it? They have enough money that they don't have to worry about little expenses like that."

Josie nods her head. "I see your point, but what could it be?" She glances back over towards SBFIVE as she scratches the back of her head. "I'm sure that it is something a little more serious than anything we are thinking. Oh, I don't think it has anything to do with money. They can afford to pay for a new top of the line laptop. No. It has to be something else."

I glance over at Bas and I try to think. What is so serious that would make people worry, but not have anything to do with money? What could it be?

As I'm staring at Bas, Dee walks by. Oh, maybe she would know.

I quickly grab her arm and stop her. "Hey, Dee. Did you hear about August doing something to Bas's laptop?"

She pulls her arms from my grasp and huffs, "You didn't need to grab my arm. I would have stopped if you had asked me."

"Sorry. I happened to see you and I grabbed you on instinct."

She frowns and crosses her arms over her chest. "Now, what is this about August doing something to Bas? Who is August by the way?"

Well, clearly, she hasn't heard anything.

I sigh. "We don't know much, but we heard that August, the guy who interviewed SBFIVE this week, did something to Bas's laptop. We have no clue what he did, and we were hoping that you knew something."

Dee glances over towards Bas. "Hmm... You said that Kimmon seemed worried."

Josie and I nod our heads, as I hum, "Yes."

Dee's attention scans over the other SBFIVE members. "Did the others seem worried too? Like maybe Tae?"

I try to remember back to when SBFIVE first came into the room, but I don't remember much about Tae's attitude or what he said. Dang it.

Josie looks over towards Tae. She tentatively says, "Well, he didn't say much. He did tell the guys to keep quiet like he didn't want anyone to know about it. Does that qualify as being worried?"

Dee shakes her head. "I don't know. Hold on, maybe Mina knows something." She turns and walks over to Mina. Soon, she returns along with Mina.

Mina looks at us and asks, "What is wrong? Did something happen that I didn't know about?"

Dee replies, "We don't know. We are hoping that you can help us with something."

Mina nods her head. "Sure. What?"

Dee glances back at Bas and then back at Mina. "Well, Kimmon was telling Josie and Stacy that something happened to Bas's laptop after the last interview. Did by chance, Tae say anything about it?"

I add, "The interview was with August and he is the one that did something to Bas's laptop."

I'm sure that she probably doesn't know, but it doesn't hurt to ask. However, I think the only way to actually find out is to actually go up and ask Bas, or maybe Kimmon since he is the one that told us a little already.

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