Chapter 2

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Fan Fiction - Picture Perfect Chapter Two


I waited till I heard the door close and began screaming and jumping like a little girl. I looked at the clock and realised I was already 15 minutes late on my cousin. I ran outside making sure I didn't bump into anyone and caught a taxi. I was there in no time and there was Brett waiting on a table with the menu in his hand.I stepped out of the taxi, paid the driver and ran behind my cousin and covered his eyes.

"Guess who it is," I asked in a dopey voice.

"Is it the boogie monster?" he said sarcastically.

I let go and took a seat in front of him.

"How do you like it here?" he asked ushering the waiter to come.

"Cold," I replied.

"I'd figured you'd say that. London doesn't exactly have the sparkly weather Sydney does. You should see the rain," he laughed.

We were joking around for hours over lunch.

He drove me back home and bided me farewell.


I stood outside the block of apartments and just stared at it. I stared really hard at it. It was washed white stone. Elegant but boring. Simple but too safe. It would look good if I tweaked it up a bit, but I didn't get my hopes too high on getting such a big assignment. Instead I ran upstairs, grabbed my camera and tripod and began photographing the complex.

"With a little bit of photoshopping, this place could look so much better," I said to myself.

"Yes, it could," I hear a voice behind me.

I quickly turned almost knocking over the tripod and there I saw Louis. I smiled, fumbling over what to say.

"You're not from around here are you? You sound...different," he said with a confused face.

"Yeah. I moved here from Australia for school," I said suddenly being aware of my accent.

"I'm guessing architecture and design maybe," he asked approaching me.

"Arts actually. I was just thinking about painting the building but that won't happen so I might give it a go digitally," I mentioned in a smart tone.

"My place looks a bit dull, maybe you should check it out sometime," he said.

I just smiled.

"Actually, how about you come for dinner tomorrow night? I'll invite the others from the complex and we'll have a welcoming party for you," he exclaimed.

"You don't have to, I mean. You know what, sure!" I said staring into his blue eyes.

"Great, see you tomorrow night," he shouted as he ran up the stairs.

I couldn't hold my feelings. I collapsed the tripod and ran right up, kicked my door open and locked it behind. I dashed to my wardrobe and began trying on dresses and skirts and styling my hair in about a million ways. I know a lot of people would think this girl is just crazy, but first impressions are lasting ones.

I slumped onto the bed and sighed and stared across the room, there was my bag with a white sleeve hanging out. I jumped up and checked what it was. It was gorgeous. It was stunning. It was my mum's dress. The one she wore on her first date with dad. It was a blouse dress with a wide collar and black buttons running all the way down. I slipped it on, it fitted me perfect. I had to wear this.

The next morning I made toast and called my sister. I told her everything, but being 23 she couldn't care less. I was rambling on and on about how it is here but it was dinner time and she had to go. The day passed of me cleaning, tidying the messy wardrobe I made yesterday and working on the building.

I closed Photoshop and stared at my desktop, it was a picture of me and my mum on her 25th anniversary. I miss her so much. I miss my family. I miss my friends. I miss Australia. I felt the tear run down my cheek but I shook it off, this is for my better. I'm going to be huge.

Half past six came and I was still on the couch watching some legendary episodes of Friends. I glanced at the clock and realised the time and gasped. I ran to my room and slipped the blouse on and did my hair in a messy bun and slipped on my black toms. I grabbed the keys and locked the door behind me.

I knew Louis' apartment was upstairs but which one. There were about three levels above me. I began walking up the first level and hear some music playing, some Ed Sheeran to be exact. I followed the music hoping I was going in the right direction and about 2 levels up I saw a door wide open with several people inside. I assumed this was it, took a deep breath and walked in.

After about five steps walking in the corridor while staring at my feet I felt an arm on my shoulder.

"Here she is," I saw Liam exclaim when I turned my head.

I smiled and looked around. There were only about 3 people there; one I assumed was in the kitchen. I made my way to the kitchen and saw Louis prancing about cutting carrots.

"BOO," I shouted.

He nudged a bit and turned, "Oh! Hey, you're here." He came into hug me without getting his saucy hands on me.

"Thanks for inviting me. It was nice of you," I said with a big smile.

"No worries. Let me introduce you to the others," he suggested leading my way to the living area.

That was it. I felt the world slow down. I saw them there, two of them playing Dance Central until they stopped.

"This is Marielle, she moved into the building new. Actually she's new to the country," Louis said with a comic tone.

I waved. Facepalm. I should've said something.

Niall approaches, "Hey. I'm Niall. How are you?"

"I'm doing great thanks. How are you?" I asked being as conversational as much as I could.

"I'm well. You sound like you're from Australia- I think?" he asked.

"Yeah. I moved here for school," I replied quickly.

Niall turned his head and shouted, "Zayn, don't be rude! Come say hello."

I saw Zayn battling it hard, giving it his all. Five seconds later, the level was over and he ran over and gave me a hug, panting and tired.

"Hi. I'm. Zayn. Sorry, "he said taking a breath after each word, "You moved in right? I live three doors down, number 8."

"Hey," I said smiling.

"You've met Niall, Louis, Liam and myself. The girls are on the balcony," Zayn said pointing across the room to the balcony.

I made my way across and saw two girls having something to drink. The heard the door slide and turned. I gave them a forced smile, it was so awkward.

"You're the new girl. HEY! I'm Danielle, Liam's girlfriend," she said giving me a tight hug.

"Hi, do you live here too?" I asked, hoping she was. She seemed really nice.

"No. Just the boys. This is Eleanor," Danielle said.

"You must be Louis' girlfriend," I said assuring her I wasn't a threat.

She gave me a hug and kiss on the cheek and walked me inside again.

I sat down and began thinking.

"Just the boys, just the boys... MY GOD, they all live here!" I screamed in my thoughts, "all five, Louis, Liam, Niall, Zayn and and uhh.. Harry? Where's harry?"

Picture perfect ~Zaynmalik (completed)Where stories live. Discover now