Chapter 11

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Fan Fiction - Picture Perfect Chapter Eleven


"It's okay babe, you'll be fine. I promise," I heard his voice through his chest calming me.

I forced my eyes open, ready to witness Zayn's deep eyes meet mine but I was wrong. It wasn't Zayn who had just promised me with life. Nor was it him who called me babe. No.


I forced my eyes open eager to see who it was that held me in their arms. All I could see was a dark silhouette. I squinted trying to look at who this beanie capped boy was, if only...

My eyelids felt heavy and my sight was not in focus. I coughed continuously shaking myself out of this persons grasp. For sometime I could hear this persons heart race faster than mine. I could hear it thud through their chest. A soothing steady rhythmical pattern that took me to sleep. A sleep that I wasn't coming out of soon.




I regained my senses. I felt my body rush with an insane wave of heat washing over me like a quilt of life. I could smell again, the smell of strong disinfectant. I could feel my toes slowly shuffle in the cold air. My chapped dry lips were hydrated by a thorough lick and my teeth stopped chattering. I hoisted myself up, my eyes still firmly closed. I took a deep inhalation of the clean air and broadened my sight.

I was in a big stone washed room with blue curtain encasing me from the exterior. On my right, a tower of machinery linked to a braid of cords and one pipe that led towards me. I let my eyes follow the clear plastic pipe up the frame of the cold bed, through the white bars on the side and into my right hand's wrist. A white bandage covered the needle I felt cause sharp pain. My right hand was completely senseless, cold and dead. It lay beside me lifeless and so transparent you could almost see the veins mapping central London on my wrist.

I turned to my left, where my hand was tightly held in another's. It was Harry. His head bowed down to his chest and his beanie over his eyes. In the wooden chair he slept, so calmly, his chest moving ever so slightly like a young infant. I moved my hand to let go of his strong grasp before his head quickly jerked up and his green eyes altered on me.

"You're awake, thank god," he said getting off the chair resting next to me.

"Where are Tash and Amberley?" I managed to say frantically searching the room off their presence.

"They're fine. They got checked up, they're good," he said with his calming musical voice.

My heart regained its steady pound. I rested my head back on the bed and looked at my lifeless hand.

"So what's happened to me?" I asked hoping for a solid answer, no lies, not twists and turns. Just the truth.

I watched Harry's solid Adams apple raise and fall into a pit of guilt.

"They- they don't know yet," he said looking down daring not to meet my sorrowful eyes.

I stuttered, words failing to leave my lips. My eyebrows fell, my eyes closed letting one tear escape and skid down my cheek quickly.

"You should get as much rest as you can," Harry said.

"No, I can't," I said shaking my head in disbelief.

"Anything you need just tell me," he said trying to cover the wound of this memory.

"I- I need Zayn," I muttered.

Picture perfect ~Zaynmalik (completed)Where stories live. Discover now