4: No Kissing!!

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" Yuki~ " he muttered under his breath as he approached the sofa . He squats quietly beside the sofa and reached out to kiss gently on his cheek. Or at least that's what he planned when she jumped out of the sofa and stood behind it " no ! "

Kakashi: you're not really still angry with me since yesterday~

Yuki : hmph. Today no bento too.

Kakashi: eh ~~ Yuki ~~

" Work. " And she heads towards the bathroom. Got changed. Then left the house.

She returned home that day and heads towards the bathroom directly. She opens up the washing machine and starts dumping the laundry in. She yawns and stretches her arm out.

That's when she felt a hug from behind her. She pushed him away " no!" She turned around to look at him, unmasked " no. "

Kakashi: don't be like that ~ I'm hardly home.

Yuki : hmph. No. No kissing for you.

Kakashi: even with this face ?

Yuki : even with that face.

Kakashi: even if I cooked dinner ?

Yuki ; no.

They sat at the table eating dinner he cooked. He had opened a can of beer and was drinking it after finishing his meal.

Yuki : I want one too. Get me one.

He pushes the beer can to her " take this. "

Yuki : no. No kissing!! Not even indirect kiss. Hmph.

She goes to the sofa and gets ready to sleep. She covers herself with the blanket. He goes over to the sofa " goodnight kiss ? On the forehead. Promise. "

Yuki ; no ! I want you to be insufferable!

She turned away from him, covers her blanket over her head and went to sleep. He sighed and carried her in his arms " that's it. I'm not taking anymore of your tantrums."

Yuki : put me down !!

" No. No putting down." He kissed her forehead and brought her into their room and placed her onto the bed. He climbed onto the bed, his big frame over her " I will always be yours. Don't you already know that ? "

" Are you ? " She looks away from his gaze " copy ninja. Future hokage. Kakashi-san. "

Kakashi: is that why... Is that what this is about?

Yuki : not really... I just...

Kakashi: just...?

She looks back into his eyes, his face properly " miss you... I think. Afraid that you will see others and not me. Like how you did with that hanare. I remember how you looked at her..."


Yuki ; you don't know her ? She has you in her memories.

Kakashi: I don't have any recollection of that.

Yuki : she's pretty huh ?

Kakashi: huh ? Yea. She is.

Yuki : she's the enemy. Remember that

End of flashback~

Kakashi: you're jealous till now ? I don't like her at all. Even then, I only liked you.

Yuki : it's not like that !! I just don't like how you see her. Ok , maybe I'm jealous.

Kakashi: I chose you. Married you. I love you. I would never see anyone else

Yuki : says the guy who reads Jiraiya-sama's book.

Kakashi laughed " you read it too."

Yuki : you are mine. My one. Only I can see your face. Ok ? Never. Never wear a mask in front of me. In this house. When we're alone. Ok ?

" Hai. " He leans in to kiss her lips " always, only for you. " And he bites her ear and whispered " I take this as permission granted. "

" Um... " She answered back softly. He reached to the clasp of her bra and removes it then whispered some more " take off everything. You are mine too ~ "


Tenzou : kakashi senpai. What's wrong with you ? You're... Punctual today.

Kakashi: is that so ? Maybe cos I'm in a good mood~

Tenzou : good mood ?

Kakashi: um ~  you should get married too tenzou. Then you'll get to understand what I mean .

Tenzou sweatdrops " huh ? "

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