Attack Of The Men In The White Van

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(The scene opens up on Lilac. She is asleep in a metal room with prison like human furniture. The door in front of her is made of wood. She opens her eyes and looks around.)

Lilac: I wonder where my master went. I should go find him.

(Lilac gets up and stretches. Then she goes out the doggy door in the middle of the wood door. She then walks down the hall and through the kitchen to the living room where she looks out the window. The neighborhood is really nice with old houses and loads of plants. She looks out to the front of the house at the driveway. No one is there.)

Lilac: I wonder if hes ok. He hasn't come home yet.

(Lilac looks at the clock on top of the piano next to the sofa.)

Lilac: He should have been home an hour ago! Somethings wrong!

(Lilac panics and runs throughout the house. Then she goes back to the window.)

Lilac: No no, easy girl. Hes fine. He probably stopped for food on the way home.

(Lilac waits at the window for ten more minutes. Then a strange white van pulls up into the driveway.)

Lilac: < A white van? My master doesnt drive one of those. >

(Lilac listens to the men speak outside.)

Man 1: Is this the place?

Man 2: Yeah. The convict told us his dog was here. We have to pick her up and take her to the animal shelter.

Lilac: < Convict? > (snarls) They're here to cause trouble!

(Lilac starts barking and snarling when they reach the door wildly. They see her through the window.)

Man 1: Is that his dog?

Man 2: Yes.

Man 1: That's a wolf, not a dog. You go on ahead and get her yourself.

Man 2: You said youd help me. This wolf looks like shes going to kill us!

Man 1: With those teeth no way!

Man 2: Let's just get her and go.

Man 1: I'll guard the door.

(The men walk to the door and start to pick the lock. Lilac waits quietly at the other side.)

Man 1: Theres no more barking. Do you think shes hiding?

Man 2: Maybe. Be careful.

(Lilac bares her teeth and waits until the men open the door a smidge before she attacks. She bites the man's hand and doesnt let go ripping at his flesh. The man manages to pull his bloody hand back and shut the door. He screams in pain and the men run to their van and leave. She watches them go from the window.)

Lilac: I have to go find my master. I'm not safe here anymore.

(Lilac walks over to the door and opens it. Then she runs in the direction that the truck is going hoping that it would lead her to her master. The men look I'm their rearview mirror at her.)

Man 1: That crazy dog is chasing us to kill us!

Man 2: We really made a mistake walking into that home. Step on it and head for the hospital! My hand is still bleeding!

Man 1: I'm on it.

(The men go 10 miles over the speed limit in attempt to get away from Lilac. Lilac follows them for a couple miles and soon after tires. When she does she is on the edge of town near a forest. She walks into it hoping to get some water. She looks around and soon enough finds a stream and starts drinking. The blood of the man's hand slips off of her muzzle as she drinks. Then when shes done she lays down by the stream and curls up into a ball exhausted.)

Lilac: < Dont worry master. I will find you no matter what it takes. >

(Lilac blinks twice and then falls asleep again. Not hearing the paw taps on the ground approaching her.)

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