Death's Bite

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(Moon stands up and turns to the other two.)
Moon: Max. I want you to hide. Morrigan. I want you to howl for help as loud as you can. I'll provide a distraction.
Moon: Be careful.
Max: I will.
Morrigan: I got it!
(They wait until Gigabyte gets to the door. Using the element of suprise they manage to knock her back and Moon distracts her. Moon leads Gigabyte around as Morrigan sneaks to the top of the hill and howls. Lakota is badly wounded, Pyron's body is torn in two and Wendigo's head is ripped off. Capris pack didnt sustain much injury.)
Capri: Any last words?
(Lakota hears Morrigans emergency howl. Then he suddenly cant feel anything anymore and his eyes go blood red.)
Lakota: < I have to keep fighting. For my pups. >
(Lakota gets up and slits wheylins throat, then he claws off Salts head. Then he runs past Lilac headed for the den. Capri watches him leave snarling. Lakota comes up to the den site and sees Gigabyte. He attacks her and I'm the end let's her run away. Morgan, Moon and Lakota all go into the den and see 3 brand new puppies. Lakota approaches them and sits down.)
Moon: Max! You can come out now. Its safe!
(Max runs out from one of the chambers in the back of the den. When he sees the pups he looks suprised.)
Max: Whered those pups come from?
Moon: Aniu.
Lakota: We have a beautiful family dear.
(Lakota nuzzles Lilac.)
Lilac: What happened to the others?
Lakota: Im... all that's left.
Max: What?! No daddy!
(Max starts crying and Moon holds him close.)
Lilac: Is anyone else alive?
Lakota: I took out most of Capris pack, but shes still alive.
Lilac: Oh no... knowing her she will be on our tails very soon! If she finds our family...
Lakota: I wont let that happen no matter what.
Lilac: We should move as soon as possible.
Lakota: We will. Once our pups can walk.
Lilac: Ok...
Lakota: I'm going to go wash off at the river. I'll be back soon ok?
Lilac: Ok.
(Lakota leaves and Lilac lays her head down. Moon tries her best to comfort Max, but it's of no use. Morrigan sits looking outside. Capri walks outside angrily.)
Capri: I knew those weaklings couldn't do it. Although I am suprised that they managed to take down almost the entire pack.
Capri Jr.: What do we do now mom?
Capri: We follow the scents of Lakota and find the others. Then, we kill them.
Capri Jr.: Sounds great. Hey mom?
Capri: Yes?
Capri Jr.: Why is that Lynx not running from us?
(Capri notices the Lynx and it attacks Capri, she grabs it around the neck and kills it. Then she let's it drop to the ground.)
Capri: That Lynx sure was acting strange. Normally they dont pick on wolves.
Capri Jr.: I see
Capri: Now my dear, these next few weeks I will train you in the art of combat, then, we, you and me will kill them all.
Capri Jr.: Yay! Yes mom. Lead the way.
(Capri leads Capri Jr away from the barn and into the forest.)

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