Naming The Pups

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(Three weeks later)

(Lilac and Lakota get back from their hunt with no spoils. The territory has gone barren. Everyone else is sitting around Capri looking at her pups. Lilac and Lakota join them.)
Wendigo: Did you two find anything?
Lilac: No sir. We havent even come across an animal trail.
Wendigo: Alright, after we name the pups you two need to get back out and hunt. My pups need the food.
Lilac: Yes sir.
Wendigo: If you arent finding anything Whyre you fat?
(Lilac remains silent and Lakota growls warningly. Wendigo pays no attention.)
Wendigo: Now. Let's name the pups.
Capri (looking Wendigo in the eye): Dont worry. I've already got names for them. The yellow and white one is named Punda. The yellow and red one is named Amekufa. And the red and white one is named after yours truly, Capri.
Lakota: Those are awful names! Besides we didnt have a say in those.
Capri (smiling): I'm not going to let a bunch of weaklings name my pups!
Wendigo (baring his teeth): Those names are not suitable for my pups, and also, the entire pack gets to help name them because they are our shared responsibility.
Capri: Kiss my furred behind. It's not any of you're choices what I decide to name my puppies!
Wendigo (snarling): I can make you leave the pack immediately and start weaning my pups if you keep it up. Dont beleive me just watch.
(Capri bares her teeth. Then thinks about her actions and looks away. The red and white pup stands up.)
R&W: I actually like mommy's name. That's the name I want.
Wendigo (suprised): Are you sure little one?
Capri: That's my little girl.
R&W: Yes daddy
Capri: Hush child. That house pet isnt worthy to call father.
(Wendigo snarls. But then let's it go.)
Wendigo: If that's the name you want...
Capri Jr.: Thanks.
Y&W: What about me?
Capri: What's wrong with the name I picked for you?!
Y&W: It doesnt sound like me...
Capri: Too bad.
Wendigo (snarling): Capri it's his choice. Not yours.
Lilac: Why dont you tell me a little about yourself?
Y&W: Well, I like wrestling, I'm quick and agile. I also protected my sis from mom when she was angry...
Wendigo (snarling): What did mommy do to you while I was gone?!
Y&W: She..
Capri: Shut the freak up child or I'll shut you're trap for you!
Wendigo: Let him speak!
Y&W: She tried to force my sisters eye open.
Wendigo (snarling): Capri if you do that her eye could get infected!
Capri (shrugging): If she does shes weak. Weaklings dont deserve to live.
(Wendigo snarls)
Lilac: What do you guys think?
Moon: I know the perfect name.
Capri (baring her teeth): Like I'm going to let you help name my pup!
Wendigo: Last warning Capri. Let them speak.
Pyron: What is it child?
Moon: Max!
Pyron (saddened, suprised): Honey...
Moon: He acts like Max did.
Y&W: Who's Max?
Moon: He was my older brother.
Y&W: What happened to him?
Moon: ...
Pyron: Not Max dear.
Y&W: No, I like it. Can I be named Max?
Wendigo (sadly): Pyron... are you ok with that?
Pyron: ... what his name is is his choice.
Max: Yes!
Pyron: ...
Wendigo: You're new name is Max. Congratulations.
Y&R: Ok. How about me?
Lakota: What do you like to do?
Y&R: Well, I also like wrestling, and howling, and running.
Lilac: Hmm
Wendigo: You sound just like you're grandmother. My grandmother used to tell me stories about her energy
Y&R: Tell me her name.
Wendigo: Her name was Morrigan.
Capri: Ugh. A human name.
Wendigo: Actually the humans goddess of war.
Y&R: That sounds really cool. Can you tell me some stories about her?
Wendigo: Sure dear.
Y&R: I like Morrigan.
Wendigo: Then let that be you're name. Everybody, I would like you to meet Capri Jr., Max, And Morrigan.
Max: Hey Moon. Are you my big sister?
Moon: No I'm not. But I can be you're friend if you want me too.
Capri: Theres no way my pups is going to be friends with a weakling.
Wendigo (baring his teeth): Its not you're choice.
Capri: Kiss my..
Wendigo: Leave my territory immediately.
Capri (suprised): What...?
Wendigo: You need to leave my territory.
Capri: You're kidding.
Wendigo: No, leave or I will drag you out of my territory.
Capri (attacking Wendigo): Fool!
(Wendigo and Capri get into a huge fight. Everyone watches. Moon walks over to the pups.)
Moon: Do you guys want to go outside while they figure this out?
Max: Yeah. Thanks.
Morrigan: Nah. Kd love to stay and see the fight.
Capri Jr.: No way! I wanna see mom knock him into submission!
Moon: Ok, come with me.
(Moon leads Max out the front of the barn and goes to the side. The stars above them gleam brightly.)
Max (mistified): Oh wow! What are those?!
Moon: My mom said that they're the souls of our ancestors in the sky watching over us as we sleep.
Max: That's so cool!
Moon: Yeah, it is. It's a comforting thought when you're scared.
Max: I've been meaning to ask. Who was Max?
Moon (sadly): Max... was my brother.. older by a couple minutes
Max: Really? Where is he?
Moon: Hes a star now.
Max: Oh... I'm sorry.
Moon: Its ok. I'm willing to bet that hes honored to have someone else named after him.
Max: What was he like?
Moon: He said what was on his mind all the time, he was very brave, and he was my protector. He actually died saving my life.
Max: Really?
Moon: Yeah. He knocked me out of the way of another wolf. Then he gave me a chance to escape while he held the other wolf off.
Max: A rogue wolf?
Moon: No...
Max: Who?
Moon: ... Dont you worry about that.
Max: Oh... okay.
(The snarling and growling stops.)
Moon: The fight has stopped. Let's go back in.
Max: Ok.
(Moon and Max go inside the barn and Wendigo claws over capris eye hard. Blood runs from her wound and some of her skin drops from her face.)
Wendigo (snarling): Now everyone will see how ugly you are on the inside by how ugly you are on the outside. Get out of my territory.
(Capri is in a lot of pain and runs put of the den. Her daughter Capri Jr. Runs after her.)
Max: Where are you going?!?!
Capri Jr.: With mom! Bye weaklings!
(Wendigo watches them leave.)
Wendigo: Thank god they're gone. Are you two alright?
Morrigan: That was a great fight! Well done dad!
(Wendigo smiles in pride. His body is covered in bites and scratches.)
Max: I'm good too. Daddy you need rest.
Wendigo: I'm fine son.
Max: Good.
Wendigo: I'm going to lay down for a while. Lilac, Lakota, go back out and see if you can find food. If you don't find anything this time we will leave the territory.
(Lilac nods and Lakota follows her out of the den. They run off. Wendigo lays down. Pyron walks over to him.)
Pyron: Welcome back to alpha hood Wendigo
(Wendigo responds by smiling and falling asleep. Pyron walks over to the pups.)
Pyron: Its late. You three should be headed to bed.
(As if on cue the pups all yawn.)
Pyron: Upstairs and into bed.
(Moon walks up the ladder and Pyron grabs the pups and brings them upstairs. Morrigan is asleep right away. Pyron goes back downstairs and curls up.)
Max: May I curl up to you? So I can stay warm?
Moon: Sure. Both of you cuddle up to me.
Max: Morrigan is already asleep.
(Max curls up with Moon.)
Max (sleepily): Thanks big sis.
(Before Moon can protest hes already asleep. Moon lays her head down and falls asleep with the thought of being called a big sister. Capri runs through a Bush. Then she stops, growling and snarling angrily. Capri Jr. Catches up to her.)
Capri Jr: Mommy I'm coming too!
Capri (suprised, not snarling): Baby? You followed me?
Capri Jr.: That house pet was too weak to be my father.
(Capri lays down.)
Capri: That's my powerful little girl. Come here. Let's sleep.
Salt: Not so fast you too
(Salt walks into the open where Capri could see her.)
Capri: What do you want?
Salt: To strike a deal with you.
Capri: What kind of a deal?

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