The New Den

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(The scene opens up on the entire pack hunting, chasing after a herd of elk.)
Wendigo: Lilac catch that elk!
(Lilac jumps. Then the elk disappears and so does the pack. Everything surrounding her is dark. Then she hears a snarl come from behind her and she looks back. Capri is there snarling.)
Capri: Nighty Night Sister!
(Capri jumps on Lilac and dissapears. Then she opens her eyes and a large field is there. Lakota is standing on the hill high and strong. His eyes are a blood red color and he howls. Lilac startles awake and panting hard she looks around. Lakota is still curled up to her and the Alphas are still asleep. It's barely dawn, so Lilac goes back to sleep. Later on that morning she opens her eyes and sees that Capri and Wendigo are awake and so is Lakota.)
Wendigo: Where is Pyron?!
Capri: How am I supposed to know?! I'm not you're lap dog!
(Wendigos voice bounces off the walls of the mountains.)
Capri: Maybe she bailed.
Wendigo: No, no. This isnt like her!
Capri: Enough about her! Focus on me! I need to find a new den for our future family.
Wendigo: ... Alright... let's go. We cant afford to wait for her.
(Capri leads everyone but Pyron and The pups behind. Lilac and Lakota cant escape to tell Pyron where they're going. Capri leads the pack for a couple of hours before Lilac notices something in the distance and slows down.)
Lilac: Hey guys! Look over there!
(Everyone stops running and comes over to Lilac. They look at what she sees.)
Lakota: Its a human den.
Lilac: No. It's a barn, and from the looks of it it's been abandoned for a while.
Capri: Lilac. I command you to go check out that barn.
Lakota: Capri. Why dont you let me do that?
Capri: Shes disposable. Her Gene's are defective as well.
(Lilac not wanting to hear any more walks across the field, the rest of the pack following. The rest of the pack waits in the brush while Lilac goes inside the barely open doors. The barn is pretty run down and old, but still standing. There are three stalls on each side of the barn and in the middle there is a ladder that leads up to a hayloft with good looking straw. Lilac inspects every part of the barn before going out to meet the rest of the pack.)
Lilac: It looks all clear and its suitable for a den. Itll keep the weather off of you and itll be padded for uoure pups in the hayloft.
Capri: Thanks for making yourself useful for once.
(Capri leads the pack into the barn.)
Capri: Yes, yes, yes! I've decided, this will be our new den!
Wendigo: We need to make sure this area isnt claimed or neighboring any other packs, on top of having a strong food supply to feed our family.
Capri (snapping): Then get to it!
(Wendigo leaves and Capri walks up the ladder to the hayloft.)
Capri: Oh wow! This is perfect!
(Capri walks to the edge of the hayloft and looks down at everyone.)
Capri: We are staying here from now on! Oh, and none of you are allowed up here except for us Alphas. Got it?
(Everyone nods and Wendigo goes outside to claim the territory. Capri walks to the back of the hayloft and Lays down.)
Lilac (whispering): Where are we going to take the pups? There are no eligible den sites around here.
Lakota (whispering): I'll look around the barn and if I cant find one for Pyron then I'll make one.
Lilac (Whispering): Got it.
(Lakota walks around looking for a place to put the pups. He shrugs then goes outside. Lilac knowing that he didnt find anything walks outside with him.)
Lakota: Let's head to the back of the barn, we can start digging a den there that leads under the barn. They'll be safe there.
Lilac: Alright.
(Lilac and Lakota work quickly to dig a den. They make the entrance small and make sure that the back of the den cant be seen from outside. Then they both widen the hole until it becomes a large den. Then they put all the excess dirt outside the entryway. Then they come out of the den satisfied with their work.)
Lakota: Do you think this will work?
Lilac: Its missing one last touch. It needs some foliage for Pyrons pups to sleep on.
Lakota: Alright. So. What do we need?
Lilac: Well, I recognized that hay brand up in the hayloft. The brand name is called "Unrottables infinitely healthy and non bug or mold attracting hay" it doesnt die or get sick or anything like that. But we must get up into the hayloft to get that hay without Capri catching us.
Lakota: I can take care of getting the Alphas out of the den.
Lilac: What are you going to do?
Lakota: Make them think we are going to be attacked by Pepper and her gang. You wont have long to get the hay but itll be a good distraction.
Lilac: Alright. Let's do it.
(Lakota runs to the front howling and barking.)
Lakota: Intruders spotted on the horizon! We are being attacked!
(Capri comes bolting out of the hayloft and outside running for the horizon. Lilav sneaks in and grabs as much hay as she can, then she bolts to the side of the den and sets it down. She does this successfully 3 times. After the third time she doesnt risk getting seen because Capri comes back.)
Capri: I cant beleive those bastards came back! I'll definitely have a nice chat with Wendigo about it tonight!
Lakota: Yes ma'am.
(Capri goes back inside and up into the hayloft. Lakota runs to the back and sees that she managed to grab a good amount of hay.)
Lakota: Alright. Let's get this into the den before Wendigo gets back. Given the fact that I howled he will be back any minute.
(Lilac and Lakota cover the floor with the hay and get back out just in time to see Wendigo running into the barn. Lilac and Lakota follow him into the barn.)
Wendigo: Where are the intruders?!
Capri: They're gone. Those bastards from Peppers pack came here in attempt to claim this area too.
Wendigo: Really?
Capri: Yeah. You and I are going to have a nice little private chat up here about them. Get up here!
(Wendigo goes up into the hayloft. Lilac and Lakota sit down looking at the entrance to the barn.)
Lilac (whispering): Do you think she knows we are going to go get her at nightfall?
Lakota (whispering): We can only hope. We will go get her as soon as the Alphas finish their talk.
Lilac: Or we could go get them now.
Lakota: How?
Lilac: Hey Alphas! Lakota and I are going to go scout the territory for some dinner tonight!
Capri (annoyed): Then go and stop being so useless!
(Lilac and Lakota bolt out the door and begin running to the original den site.)
Lilac: I told you I could get us out of there.
Lakota: That's my girl.
(They reach the original den site and find Pyron laying with her pups.)
Lakota: Pyron. We dont have much time. Let's go.
(Lakota picks up one of her pups.)
Pyron: Where did you guys go?!
Lilac: We will explain later. Right now we need to go.
(Lilac picks up one of the pups and Pyron picks up the last one. Then Lakota leads the way to the barn and leads them around the back. Then he places the pup he has in the den and comes out. Lilac does the same thing and so does Pyron.)
Pyron: Where are the alphas?
Lilac: They're inside the den. Up in the hayloft. This is the closest and safest place we could fine for you and you're pups.
Pyron: Alright. Thanks for coming to get me guys.
Lilac: Yep. Now I'm worn. Let's go inside the barn.
(Pyron goes inside of her den and lays down next to her pups. Lilac and Lakota go inside the barn again.)
Capri: Did you find anything?
Lilac: Nope. Not this time.
Capri: Absolutely useless. As per usual.
(Lakota growls but with a look from Lilac he stops. They curl up together and rest from the long journey.)

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