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(The scene opens up on Lilac waiting in the den. She watches the darkening outside for Lakota and Pyron. Thinking about how to keep these pups warm and safe while getting them to the new territory. Lilac hears a crack and looks out the dens front. She sees Lakota and Pyron walk down through the stream and into the den.)
Lilac: What took you two so long?
Pyron: Well, Capri hasn't picked a territory yet but we need to move the puppies regardless.
Lilac: Alright. Let's go.
(Lakota, lilac, and Pyron each pick up one of the puppies and run out of the territory. They run to a mountain area and eventually are in view of the rest of the pack. Pyron leads Lilac and Lakota into a nearby den where they set the puppies down and Pyron lays down next to them.)
Pyron: Thanks for taking care of them.
Lilac: No problem. Now. I need something to eat.
Lakota: I've got you covered.
(Lakota takes a dead hare from behind some rocks and sets it down. Lilac eats it quite quickly.)
Lilac: Thanks Lakota.
Lakota: You're welcome, besides, you need to eat a little more them usual. You look a little underweight.
Pyron: That's because whatever kill we get with Capri as alpha she never feeds ranks below hunter. She also uses Lilac as a punching bag from time to time.
Lakota (growling): I know, and I dont like it.
Pyron: We should leave the territory.
Lilac: We cant. Not only are you're pups too young to move but if what Capri says is true then shes going to have puppies and I doubt by the way she treats everyone else that she will love them.
Lakota: That's true. But we must take into consideration our own pups.
Pyron: Wait. You're pregnant Lilac?!
Lilac: We dont know for sure yet, but within the next few weeks we should. I'd say give or take 3 weeks.
Pyron: This isnt good Lilac. I can't help you keep you're pups while I have mine to raise.
Lakota: You wont have to. I'll take care of them alongside my mate.
Pyron: Alright. We should get some rest. I think we will be moving again very early in the morning.
Lilac: Alright. Sleep well Pyron.
Pyron: You too.
(Lilac and Lakota leave the den. Then they go over to where Capri and Wendigo are asleep and curl up together a few feet away from them.)

Wolves Of The Red Hunt PackWhere stories live. Discover now