The Countryside

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(The scene opens up on Lilac and Lakota in the shack. Lakota is laying on top of Lilac keeping her warm. Loka opens her eyes and yawns. She nuzzles Lakota gently and he stirs and opens up his love filled eyes.)
Lakota: Good evening dear.
Lilac: Good evening, are you ready to go?
Lakota: Yeah.
(Lakota gets off of Lilac and they both stretch. Then Lilac gets up and walks over to the crack in the shed looking out. She looks both ways.)
Lilac: Were clear.
(Lilac and Lakota leave the den, once they're out they look around. Then, when they think it's safe they walk out of the alley. Then look both ways for the animal police. Then they bolt down the street quickly and quietly, running for the countryside... Wendigo and Pyron look around from where they are laying warily.)
Wendigo: Its time, We should go.
(Pyron nods and they quickly run to the street where they lost everyone else. Avoiding being seen by people they sniff the ground for scents. Wendigo finds Lilacs and Lakotas scents.)
Wendigo: I found Lilacs and Lakotas scents. Let's follow them and hopefully we can meet up with the others.
Pyron: Ok.
Wendigo: I hope the other two find our trails.
Pyron: I hope so too. Lets go.
(Wendigo and Pyron follow Lilac and lakotas scents. At the dumpster Capri is laying down in some trash, Equinox is looking up at the sky wondering if it's a good idea to wake Capri up. When he makes his decision he approaches her slowly and nudges her.)
Equinox: Capri, wake up. We had better get going.
Capri (angrily, snarling): Hmm? What? HEY!!! WHO TOLD YOU THAT YOU COULD WAKE ME UP?!?!
Equinox: The time set did. We need to get going if we want to meet up with the rest of the pack.
Capri: Fine...
(Capri gets up and stretches, then she walks over to Equinox.)
Capri: Let's go.
(Capri and Equniox jump out of the dumpster.)
Equinox: Where are we?
Capri: Like I'd know. Let's go.
(Capri heads left down the alley with Equinox behind her.)
Equinox (worried): Capri I'm not sure this is the right way.
Capri (snarling): Shut it. I know where the hell I'm going!
(Equinox follows Capri warily. They wander around for a little while.)
Equinox: Capri we have passed this dumpster 3 times. Going left doesn't work. Let's go right this time.
Capri (annoyed): Ugh... fine.
(Equinox and Capri turn around to two men in white clothes.)
Equinox: Animal Police!
(Capri and Equinox bolt with the animal police following right behind them. After a few minutes Capri stops and turns around.)
Equinox (suprised): Capri what are you doing?!
Capri (snarling, angrily): I've had enough of these people chasing us!
(Capri runs and jumps on one of the men tearing at his flesh. Equinox stops and watches as the second man gets his catch pole around Capris neck and he pins her to the ground. The man she attacked gets up screaming. Equinox bolts after he sees Capri get pit into the back of his truck. Running and not knowing where to go. Lilac and Lakota make it to the countryside and are laying down in a small valley just over the hill from the city planting. They ran all the way there and it was late.)
Lakota: Do you think the others got out ok?
Lilac: I hope so. Hey look. Theres Wendigo and Pyron.
Lakota: Darn it.
Lilac: Dont worry. We will have our chance to leave the pack later.
(Wendigo and Pyron come running. They're panting badly and collapse.)
Lilac: Are you two alright?!
Wendigo: Were fine. How are you two?
Lakota: I never want to go into the city again!
Loka: I'm fine. Have you two seen Equinox and Capri?
Wendigo: No. We haven't.
Lilac: < I hope they're alright. >
Wendigo: Let's wait here. They'll probably be here by morning.
Lilac: Yeah. We should scope out a territory near here that isn't claimed by another pack.
Wendigo: I decide what we do and dont do Lilac. Do not overstep you're rank.
Lilac: Sorry sir
Lakota: Wendigo shes right. We need to have a territory marked out and ready so we can hunt right when the others get back.
Wendigo: Shut you're mouth insolent child.
Lakota: Wendigo. We are all starving, and we need food. Please consider the possibility that the other two arent coming...
Wendigo (barking angrily): Shut it Lakota!!! Just because Capri and Eclipse havent arrived yet doesnt mean something has happened to them!
Lakota (snarling): Then I guess I'll have to force you to listen for the second time. We need food. That's non negotiable.
(Wendigo stands up snarling.)
Wendigo: Is that a challenge?!
Lakota: Yes it is. Oh, and as a side note I'm not the one who is insolent to the packs needs.
(Wendigo snarls and jumps on Lakota spinning him to the ground. Wendigo then tries to bite Lakota, lakota moves his head out of the way twice and then takes the opportunity to grab Wendigo by the neck and pulls him down, taking a standing position above him and snarling. Then Eclipse runs over the hill and comes over to the rest of the pack panting hard. Noticing this Lakota let's Wendigo go and Wendigo sits up at attention.)
Wendigo (baring his teeth): Where is Capri?!
Equinox: Shes in trouble! The animal police caught her!
Wendigo: Lilac come with me!
(Wendigo runs over the hill headed for the city.)
Lilac: Lakota, take the others and go hunt some food and scout around the area for a den.
Lakota: Got it.
Pyron: You arent alpha Lilac.
Lilac (snarling): Just do it. My sister is bound to be hungry when we get back!
(Lilac runs off to join Wendigo. Lakota turns to Pyron.)
Lakota: Let's go.
Pyron: I'm not going to be held responsible for this right?
Lakota: No. I'll tale full responsibility for it.
Pyron: Alright.
Lakota: Let's go.
(Lakota leads the other two deeper into the countryside.)

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