The Fight

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(The scene opens up on Lakota. He is lying down curled around Lilac. Wendigo wakes up and notices Lakota curled up around Lilac. He snarls a bit and wakes up Pyron.)
Pyron: What is it milord?
Wendigo: I command you to tell Lilac that we will be taking a walk after this morning's hunt.
Pyron: Got it Milord.
(Capri stirs. Then Lakota wakes up and yawns while stretching. Then he nudges Lilac and she does the same as he did. Then capri wakes up. Everyone comes out of the den and Wendigo howls.)
Lilac: Why is he howling?
Lakota: To signal to everyone that a hunt is beginning. Just follow my lead and you should be fine.
(Wendigo starts running, Pyron follows behind him, Capri tries to run up to Wendigo but shes so badly overweight. Lakota leads lilac behind him.)
Lilac: What are we doing?
Lakota: This is hunting formation. The alpha chooses the prey and we have to take it down. (Sigh) At least, if we find anything this time.
Wendigo (baring his teeth): We WILL find something.
Lakota: Yes sir.
(The whole pack runs for a while. They scout the entire territory finding absolutely nothing. Wendigo and the rest of the pack take a rest. Lakota walks over to Wendigo mildly annoyed.)
Lakota: Wendigo. This territory has gone barren. There is no food left here.
Wendigo (baring his teeth): There IS food here, we just arent looking hard enough.
Lakota: Wendigo. Look around. Everyone including you except for Capri is badly underweight and starving. We need to move if our pack wants to survive.
Wendigo (snarling): Lakota. I said we arent looking hard enough. That's what I mean.
Lakota (baring his teeth and snarling): You're attachment to this place is going to get us all killed. We leave now or we die.
Wendigo (snarling and growling): Lakota. Back off.
Lakota (snarling): Theres no way I'm dying because you cant get over this place. I'm going. Anyone who wants to live will come with me.
Wendigo: Lakota. You're asking for it.
Lakota (angrily): Bite me!
(Wendigo pounces on Lakota. Lakota grabs Wendigo by the muzzle and knocks him off. Then Lakota holds wendigo down to the ground and clenches his teeth a little. Just enough to draw blood.)
Lakota: We can go with or without you.
Wendigo: You are not alpha. You do not tell me what goes and what doesnt.
Lakota: Really? I defeated you, and I have you by the muzzle. I'm the alpha now. You listen to me. We are moving. NOW.
Wendigo: ... Yes sir...
(Lakota releases Wendigo and Wendigo gets up.)
Lakota: Lead the way.
(Wendigo doesnt give him lip. He leads the way out of the forest. They then look around.)
Lakota: What is this place?
Lilac: This is the city, where I am from.
Wendigo: We are surrounded by this "city". We have no where else to go.
Lilac: No wonder prey was falling short. But I know a way out of the city. It leads to the country side, theres a lot of forested areas out there and bountiful food most likely.
Wendigo: Alright. Lead the way.
Lilac: We have to wait until nightfall. We dont want to get caught by the animal police.
Wendigo: Animal Police?
Lilac: They inforce the rules of their Alphas. By the rules we cant be in the city, so we would get caught by the animal police.
Wendigo: So let's challenge their alpha. This is our home and we have rights to be here.
Lilac: Not anymore.
Lakota: Let's stay here in the brush until nightfall. Then we leave.
Lilac: I would also reccomend getting some sleep before we go. The countryside is a long way from here.
Wendigo (reluctantly): Do as she says...
(Everyone hides inside the brush and waits. Everyone is sitting in a circle behind some bushes.)
Lakota: Sir... I'm sorry...
Wendigo: You did the right thing by making us leave.
Lakota: Thanks
Pyron: So. Milord. Theres another few pressing matters that we need to get to other then finding a new territory.
Wendigo: Those are?
Pyron: Mating season is coming up. You should start thinking about picking a mate.
(Wendigo nods.)
Wendigo: Starting tomorrow I will be spending a week with lilac and then the next with Capri.
Lilac: Fine
Capri: How dare you! I should be the first!
Wendigo (baring his teeth): Enough Capri. I said it and its final.
(Capri snarls a little and then curls into a ball)
Wendigo: What other matters need my attention?
Pyron: I'd reccomend also picking a spot for a den that would be safest for you and you're future family.
Wendigo: Got it. Anything else?
Pyron: No, that's all milord.
Wendigo: Alright. Get some sleep.
Pyron: Yes sir.
(Everyone curls up into a ball and falls asleep for a majority of the day.)

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