Death's Wrath

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(Three weeks later.)

(The scene opens up on Capri Jr watching her mother Capri sleep. Capri Jr. Is starving and has been noticing that her mom has been acting weird since that strange Lynx bit her.)

Capri Jr.: < I dont know what's wrong with mommy, but shes been acting awful mean and aggressive to me lately. She doesnt even speak anymore and she sobers a little more then usual. She hasn't hurt me yet, but I know that if I dont leave soon something bad is going to happen. I had better sneak away now. This entire ordeal is their fault, the only way I will be able to avenge my mother is to leave her and come back when I get older to kill every single last one of the wolves who kicked us out. (She looks at Capri) Goodbye mom. I'm so sorry. >
(Capri Jr. Gets up and leaves quietly, capri wakes up a while later.)
Capri: < Now. It's time for all of you to die of the same thing I am. >
(Capri doesnt notice her daughter's absence and follows the trail a little Waze before seeing a pure white wolf with deep blue eyes sitting on the trail waiting for her.)
Capri: < What's this?! It cant be! > Aaniiu...
(Aniu simply nods.)
Capri: < The great goddess of wolves?! No. Now is not my time! >
(Capri attacks aniu but she dissapears and reappears where Capri was.)
Capri: < You... Coward... >
(Capri falls on the ground dead. The rabbies finally claiming her life. Aniu turns around and howls.)
Lilac: What's that?
Lakota: It sounds like... another wolf?
Lilac: Yeah. But who?!
Lakota: I dont know. But what I do know is that Aniu takes care of her own.
Lilac: I'm suprised that Capri hasn't come yet.
Lakota: Maybe this is Aniu telling us that we are finally free from her reign.
Lilac: Maybe.
Lakota: Anyway. Let's get to naming you pups!

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