That's on me

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What If somebody had died tonight? Different story, right?

Peter looked at the innocent people who laid on the ground. He looked at the lifeless bodies with tears threatening to come down. Hydra attacked that night. They attacked New York's street around midnight. Steve, Bruce, Bucky, Vision, Rhodey, Tony, Sam, and Wanda were busy on another mission, somewhere far from the city. They couldn't make it in time. There were only Peter, Natasha, Clint, and Scott, but they were four against at least thirty Hydra agents. And just one of them had enhanced abilities. So they were fighting, but they managed to take down just fifteen soldiers.
Sure, it was half of them, but it wasn't enough. Lots of people got hurt, some of them died.
Peter tried not to look at them. Tried to focus on the battle. Tried to take down as many soldiers as he could. But the pale faces and the blood that stained their clothes kept catching his attention. The screams of the people who were injured or who tried to run away from there were disturbing him. So, he webbed two soldiers and punched another. Then, he tried to put in safety whoever was out and in the middle of the battle. He tried to hold back the tears when he saw more dead bodies.

Because that's on you

He felt guilty. He felt the weight of all those deaths on him. His chest was heavy as if he had Thor's hammer on him. He felt like all those people had died because of him.
He couldn't help but think it was his fault.
He could have arrived earlier. If he had arrived earlier, he would have saved more people. But he didn't. And now, lots of people died because of a bunch of Hydra agents and because he wasn't fast enough. He was too slow.
And he felt like that was on him. And he couldn't bear it. It was too heavy for a sixteen-year-old.

And if you died

Peter used his grenade web to knock out the other three soldiers. Once he was sure they were unconscious, he webbed them up and swung away, looking for whoever needed help.
He heard a scream coming from a house near him. He went there, only to find a soldier who had entered someone's house and who, at that moment, was pointing his gun at a child's head. He motioned to the two adults to be quiet. The soldier hadn't noticed him yet. So, in a quick movement, he webbed the weapon and threw it away, leaving the agent weaponless. The latter turned around, looking angrily at the teen. He let the child go, who ran immediately to his parents and attacked Peter, who dodged effortlessly the punches aimed at him. Then, he punched too, doing what Natasha had taught him during the training. He blocked his hands above his head and then, used his force to throw the man out of the window. He webbed him before he hit the ground. He didn't want to kill anyone. He webbed him to the wall and ran to everywhere he was needed.
His heart stopped for a second when he saw Scott. He was surrounded by five soldiers. He didn't have his belt on, meaning he couldn't shrink himself. His only weapon was a gun.
Scott took down two men. Peter recovered from the state he was in when he saw one of the agents shoot him. He saw the bullet flying slowly, aimed at Scott's back, who was busy fighting the two men in front of him. Peter ran at his full speed towards the man. He saw the other two men fall to the ground, before launching himself in front of Scott, taking the bullet aimed at the older man. The bullet hit his chest dangerously near his heart. The agent who had shot ran away. The man looked at the teenager who was now on the ground, blood staining his suit. "No, no, no, no" the man said, kneeling beside him. "Kid, stay with me. Don't you dare fall asleep" he said. He put Peter's head on his lap, putting pressure on his wound to try to stop the blood. "Why did you do it, kid?" Scott asked, tears falling and hands shaking. "You-you have a family" Peter stuttered. "You have a family too, Pete" he told him. The teen smiled. "You have a daughter. I-I don't want her to grow up without a father" the kid managed to say, some tears escaped from his eyes. Peter's eyes started to close. Scott panicked, fear growing fast. "Stay awake, Pete, please. It's not time to sleep" his voice broke, seeing the youngest avenger trying not to die. "Clint? Natasha?" Scott called, switching on his comms. "Lang? Where are you? We can't find you and Peter" Hawkeye said. "Did you take everybody down?" the man asked, holding back the tears. "Yeah, tell us where you are so we can come to you" Natasha said to him. Scott answered and looked down at the kid in his arms who was now barely breathing. "Hurry up. Where are Bruce and the others?" Scott questioned. "They're almost here" Clint replied. "Tell Bruce to prepare the medbay. Tell him it's urgent" Scott told them. "Scott, why? Are you hurt?" she and Clint started running. "Scott?" Clint called him when there was no answer.
Scott looked at Peter. His face was pale, his eyes were fighting to stay open, his chest barely moving. "I-I can't" Peter whispered. "No, no, Pete, stay with me. Don't die on me" Scott begged. "Gosh, I sound like a five year old" Peter laughed a bit. "Resist a bit more, please. I'll give you anything you want. Bruce and Tony are on their way. Nat and Clint are almost here. Look, I can see them. Please, Pete, I need you to stay with me. We need you. You're too young to die. Please, Pete" Scott hugged Peter trying not to hurt him. He was now sobbing, his body shaking. Clint and Natasha arrived. They saw Scott, hugging somebody who looked like Peter. And for a moment they hoped they were wrong. But as they arrived, they could see his pale face. And the bullet wound too. Clint fell on his knees next to Scott, tears filling his eyes. "How?" Natasha asked.
"He-He took a bullet aimed at me. The agent was behind me, I didn't see him. If only..." Scott said. "Hey!" Peter cut him off, using his last forces. "No ifs. I'm glad I saved you" he told him. Then, he coughed, blood coming out of his mouth. "Pete? Pete, please. What did I tell you?" Scott reminded him. Peter smiled weakly. "I'm sorry" he whispered. Then, his eyes closed and his chest stopped moving. "No, no. Pete. Wake up, wake up!" The man yelled. Clint and Natasha started crying too.
They heard the quinjet arrive. It landed next to them.
The doors opened and Bruce ran out of it, while the others stayed inside. And when he put his fingers on Peter's neck to feel his heartbeat and he found none, his skin started to turn green. "Bruce, please, help him" Scott begged him. The doctor lifted him up, returning into the quinjet with Peter in his arms, followed by the two men. Natasha stayed there, to help the SHIELD take away the Hydra agents and calm down the people still on the streets.
"Tell me he's only passed out. He's not dead, right?" Tony asked once he saw Bruce with Peter unconscious in his arms. One look was enough for him to understand. He was a genius, after all. But he kept his hopes up anyway. Maybe it was all a joke. A bad, bad joke. Maybe Peter would wake up and scream, "Got you".
Tony didn't want to believe that he had just lost his kid. How could he tell May that his only relative alive just died and he wasn't even there with him?
"Bruce..." he started. "I'm trying, I'm trying!" the scientist yelled. Green was still covering part of his skin. He tried to bring Peter back, doing everything he could do at that moment with what he had. But it wasn't enough.
The jet landed on the roof of the Avengers tower. Some doctors put Peter on a stretcher and took him to the hospital wing of the tower, followed by Bruce and Tony. Scott and Clint went to their floors to take a shower. The others went with Tony and Bruce to the medbay but waited outside.
It took a while to get Tony to leave the room, but eventually, the genius sat with the others on the chairs outside the door where Peter was being operated.
After two hours, Bruce came out of the room, looking down at his feet and tears wetting his cheeks. "He didn't make it" he whispered, barely audible. But they heard anyway.

I feel like that's on me

He died. The kid died.
Tony couldn't stop thinking about it. Guilt filled his mind. All he could do was think about the kid and feel guilty.
If he had brought the kid with him, he would be still alive. If they had decided to stay with them, instead of going to another mission, he wouldn't have been shot. If he didn't involve him in the Avengers' stuff, he would be still there. Yes, maybe he wouldn't be so close to him as they were, but he would be safe and sound. But now it was too late. He couldn't do anything. He couldn't go back in time and do things in a different way. It was too late for that.
Now he had to tell May what had happened, somehow.
How could he tell her that her nephew died? How could he tell her that she had nobody? That she was alone now?
The guilt raised again. He felt a lump in his throat as he thought of his kid. As he realized that he couldn't work with him in the lab anymore. No more suits to work on with him. No more Star Wars marathon. No more schoolbooks scattered around the penthouse. No more Peter Parker.
And he felt like that was on him.

Hi, thanks to everyone who read this. I hope you liked it! I'm sorry if there are mistakes but I'm not English and I only study it at school. Let me know if there are mistakes and I'll try to fix them.

Question: Who's your favorite Avengers?
Mine are Iron Man, Spider-Man and Bucky Barnes.

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