Scaredy cat

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We walked around the corner and Sasha stopped.

"I'm scared" she said."come on don't be a pussy you'll be fine you're with me."She nodded and we started walking again.

We walked up to the side of the house but someone was walking out so we ran to the other side. Sasha started crying "I knew we shouldn't have done this we are gonna die OMG I scared Lanie do t let him kill me please"" Sasha WTF you are the one who thought of this so grow some fucking balls get off the floor and shut the fuck up." Sasha did as told but she was still sniffling. 

We heard a car door slam and the door open which means who ever it was had gone back inside. I walked for a closer view.

"Bam your caught" a deep voice said. I screamed and tried to run but it grabbed me and Sasha into the house.

CreepOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora