Chapter 1

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Rachel's POV

We been out of school for a week already and it feels so good to finally relax for a couple of months. My dads are still out but they say when summer is over they're coming home. Quinn moved back with her mom after she gave Beth to Shelby. Santana well she's still here with me she practically lives here on the weekends she goes see her parents.

We go back to school around September for our junior year so that means we only have two and half months of summer vacation. Since we're all going to be living in a cabin for our summer we couldn't be more excited.

So us girls decided to go shopping today since we need to start packing. Finn said we will be leaving the day after tomorrow so basically on thursday morning the guys wanted to tag along with us but we said no it's girl time.

"Santana are you ready?" I yelled at her from downstairs

"I'm coming Berry hold on" She said coming down the stairs

"We have to go Quinn's waiting for us already" as I got my keys out of my bag.

"Okay let's go don't forget she still has some baby hormones in her" she joked

"That's true" I laughed and we left my house and meet up with Quinn at the mall

"Finally you guys show up" she said mad

"Sorry" we said

"Come on let's go I saw some cute bathing suits at Victoria Secret" she said happy

We made our way to the store and she was right there was some cute bathing suits

"Oh My Gosh guys look at this one" Santana ran up to this nice red bikini the top was cute it had a bow in the middle and the underwear had bows on the side

"That's pretty go try it on" I told her she grabbed it and went to try it on

"Look Rach this one is so you" Quinn said and hand me a bikini it was white and the underwear said Star in pink letters I took it and tried it on

"Wow Rach that's cute" Santana said with a smile

"You look good and your boobs are on point" I said with a smile

"Thank you" she said feeling good

"Where's Quinn?" I asked looking around and I couldn't see her

"She's trying on a bikini" Santana pointed to the dressing room

"Quinn come out we wanna see" I told her

"No I look fat" she said almost crying

"Quinn you're not fat so come out" I told her. she came out with this nice light purple bikini it looked really nice on her

"Damn Fabray you can't even tell you had a baby" Santana said and she was right you can't even tell

"Really?" she said with a big smile

"Yeah you look great" I said with a smile

"Okay I'm buying it let's go pay" she said happy

We went back inside our dressing rooms to change when we got out I went to go get some some perfume and lotion. We went to others stores we got a couple shorts,summer dresses,skirts,shoes, and some shirt. We were starting to get hungry so before we left we went to the food court.

"I'm so hungry" I said sitting down at a table

"You sound like Frankenteen" Santana joked we just laughed

"So Quinn have you talked to Shelby?" I asked her

"Yeah we called her the other day she said Beth doing good she sleeps threw the night she only wakes up a couple times but that's for her bottle and diaper change" Quinn said with a smile

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