Chapter 18

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I'm going to skip it to Thursday.

Rachel's POV

Last night we stayed up packing our stuff we only left out what we're going to wear today and on Friday. We also went by the river to our spot to do a little bonfire with Santana and Sam we just talked about how this summer amazing and what we're going to do when we get back.

I was in my room getting ready when Santana came into my room.

"Hey Santana" I said with a smile

"Hey Rach" she said as she sat in the bed

"Are you ready to go home tomorrow?" I asked her

"Yeah I'm going to tell my parents and my abuela about Brits" she said with a smile

"That's great Santana you know if they don't except it then you could move in with me officially" I said with a smile

"I know thanks anyways are you ready to go camping with Hudson boy" she said with a smirk

"Yes I'm so excited I've never been camping and the great part is he's taking me where we had our first date" I said with big smile

"Aww how romantic" she said

Just then Finn came into the room.

"Hey Frankenteen" Santana said with a smile

"Hey Santana" he said with a chuckle

"I'll leave you guys have fun on your camping thing see you tomorrow morning" she said with a smirk and left the room

"Hey babe are you ready to go?" He asked with a smile

"Yeah let's go" I said and I got my bag and we left the room

We walked downstairs and left through the back door .

"Finn are you sure you know where it is?" I asked curious

"Yes Rachel I remember where it is it's like 20 mins away from the cabin" he said with a smile

"Okay I trust you" I said

The whole time we were just walking and it felt like forever.

"Finn are we almost there yet?" I asked with a whine

"Just 5 more minutes and we're there" he said

We kept on walking and it started to look a lot familiar and there it was beautiful as ever just like the first time we were here.

"We're here" Finn said with a smile

"It's beautiful just like the first time we were here" I said with a big smile

"Come on let's go set up" he said and we walked over to what I think was the spot where we had our date

We set up the tent and our sleeping bags inside the tent. I went to go get some wood to make the fire to keep us warm at night.

"Is that everything we need?" I asked him

"Yeah that's everything do you wanna walk around?" He asked with a smile

"Sure lets go before the sun goes down" I said with a smile

We started walking around not far from the camp site though.

"Finn this whole summer has been nothing but amazing and here being with you just tops it" I said as I looked at him

"I love you so much Rachel you know I'll do anything to make you happy" he said with his half smile I love a lot

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