Chapter 11

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Rachel's POV

Today Finn and I made plans to go a drive thru movie tonight I never been to one so this is going to be a fun date night.

As I'm laying down in bed watching Funny Girl and Finn's downstairs with the guys playing COD like always I hear his phone go off I didn't pay much attention to it and then I hear it go off again it's probably his mom checking up on him or something but then it goes off again I was getting annoyed so I decide to check who it was and he had a couple of messages from a girl named Katie that's weird he never told me about a girl named Katie maybe Santana knows so I got up from bed and went to her room.

"Hey Berry what brings you here" she said with a smile

"Hi San...umm by any chance do you know a girl named Katie that might know Finn?" I asked her and her eyes went wide

She stood quiet like she didn't know what to say.

"Hello Santana?" I said

"Rachel I hate to break this to you but Katie is one of Finn's ex girlfriends he went out with her before Quinn she had to move to Texas they were kinda of serious you could say why are you asking me this?" She said confused

"Cause he has a couple of text messages from her I don't know if I should open them?" I told her

"Well let's see" she said and got the phone and opened the messages

"What does it say?" I asked her

"Maybe we should put this back Rach" she said

"No what does it say" I told her and grabbed the phone and saw they been talking for awhile now

"Hey Finn guess what I'm moving back 😊 - Katie"

"We should catch up or something -Katie"

"I really missed you hope to see you around -Katie"

My heart dropped why didn't he tell me about this Katie chick and better yet that they been talking I walked out of Santana room got my suitcase and packed some of my clothes and went downstairs I heard Santana yell out my name but I just kept walking down.

Finn's POV

I'm downstairs playing some COD with the guys and I hear Santana call out Rachel's name I wonder why I turn around and I see her with a suitcase and she's crying I'm confused what's going on so I got up from the couch and walked over to Rachel

"Rach what's wrong?" I asked her but she backed away

I'm confused did I do something wrong.

"Rachel what's going on where are you going?" I asked her

"I'm leaving and before I forget Katie misses you" she said and gave me my phone

Shit Katie been texting me for a week now and I forgot to tell Rachel and I'm guessing when I was downstairs she texted me.

"Rach wait" I said and grabbed her hand but she pulled it away

"Finn I just need time for myself okay. Puck can you take me to town please" she said

Puck got up and they walked out the door I can't believe I just messed up again.

"Dude what's going on?" Sam asked confused

Just then Santana and Quinn came downstairs and sat down on the couch

"Where's Rachel and Puck going on?" Quinn asked confused

I sat down and ran my fingers through my hair.

"Okay what happened Santana cause clearly you know" I asked her

"She came into my room asking if you knew a girl named Katie and I told her that she's your ex and she told you had a couple of messages from her I saw them and I told her we should put it back but she went through them and got up and well you know the rest" she said

I went through my phone and I saw the messages she sent great Rachel going to doubt me now

"Finn she's moving back you better tell her you're with Rachel and things are serious with you guys" Santana said

"You're right" I said so I called Katie

She picked up after the first two rings.

"Hi Finn how are you?" She asked

"I'm alright Katie and you?" I asked

"I'm great did you get my messages I'm moving back" she said happy

"Yeah I did about that's Katie I need to tell you something my girlfriend she saw those messages before I did" I said

"Oh you have a girlfriend" she said a little sad

"Yeah we're pretty serious I really love her and I don't wanna lose her so maybe it's best we don't talk anymore" I said i feel bad for saying that

"Finn but I still love you and I miss you " she said sad

"But I don't Katie I love my girlfriend if we see each other I'll say hi but it's best we don't talk" I said

"Fine Finn if that's how you feel okay goodbye" she hung up mad

"Well?" Santana said

"She's pretty pissed but I don't care I love Rachel and I'll do whatever it takes not to lose her" I said

"Really Finn?" I turned around and I saw Rachel at the door with tears

"Rach I thought you were in town?" I asked her confused

"I left my charger behind so I told Puck if we could go back and get it" she said walking up to me

"How much did you hear?" I asked her

"Everything" she said with and smile

"Rachel I love you she means nothing to me" I said and pulled her close to me

"I love you Finn I'm sorry I just left like that" she said and hugged me tight

"It's okay Rachel I'm sorry I didn't tell you about Katie" I said and kissed her head

"Let's go upstairs" she said with a smile

I grabbed her suitcase and we went upstairs I'll do anything to be with her I don't wanna lose her again she means everything to me

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