Chapter 21

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Rachel's POV

It's been one horrible week I was suppose to end the summer right with my dads but what am I doing instead I'm ending my summer burying them and never seeing them ever again.

It's my last week of summer and all I've been doing is just crying my eyes out even if there's no more tears I still cry I just really miss them I feel like this is all a nightmare and I'm going to wake up soon but it's not it's reality. I go into their room every night and cry Finn comes in and gets me out he says it's not healthy for me to be doing that so he locked the door and he said when I'm ready we'll open it again.

Santana moved back in with her parents but she's still staying here with me for moral support and as for Shelby and Beth they moved in Shelby went back to New York to pack up their things so she'll be back tomorrow morning and for right now Quinn is taking care of Beth until Shelby returns.

Tomorrow is my dads funeral and like their boss promised he paid for everything like literally everything I couldn't thank him enough and he said if I need anything to let him know.

It was hard to pick out a casket from them never would I imagine doing that in this age to both your parents. It was hard when I went to go identify the bodies you could see all the scratches and burn marks on them it broke my heart I ended up fainting so Finn and the nurse had to get me out of there.

I had to go back into their room the other day to pick out their suits for the funeral and it was the hardest thing ever for my daddy I picked out his favorite black suit with a blue color shirt and his favorite red tie and for my dad I picked out his favorite grey suit with a black shirt and his favorite white tie after I picked out their things we left the room right away and Finn went to drop off the clothes to the morgue.

~Next Day~

It's the day of the funeral and I didn't wanna get up I just wanted to stay home in my room but I had to go.

I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in" I said

Shelby walked in.

"Hi Rachel" she said as she sat on my bed

"Hi" I said lifeless that's how I feel now

"Look Rachel I know today is a hard day for you but I just want you to know that they really did love you I remember when I handed them you over and you should of seen the look on their faces they cried with tears of joy holding you just light up their faces and that's when I knew I made the right choice for you" she said

"Thank you for giving me the best dads I couldn't have asked for a better family" I said with tears and I hugged her

"You're welcome sweetie" she said and hugged back

"When did you get back?" I asked her

"Last night Finn and Puck helped me move everything in and thank you for welcoming me and Beth" she said

"It's nothing I um should get ready for today" I said

"Oh yeah I should too just let us know when you're ready to go okay?" She asked

"Okay" I said and she got up and left the room

I got up from my bed went to shower and brushed my teeth I let my hair air dry since it's short it dries faster now. I through on my black lace dress and decided to wear flats. Once my hair was dry I just straighten it and did a small braid with my bangs. I decided I wasn't going to wear makeup there was no point.

After I was done I just sat on my bed and I grabbed the picture frame I had on my nightstand it was with my dads and I you could see our smiles I loved spending time with them and now they're not here to spend more time with me.

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