Chapter 13

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Finn's POV

Today the guys and I wanna plan out something for the girls and Kurt since we only have a couple of weeks left being here we decide we wanna do something romantic and well for Sam wants to do something nice for Santana.

We were all downstairs while the girls and Kurt were still sleeping. We were trying to figure out what to do for them.

"Okay how about we take them out to eat?" Sam suggested

"No dude that's lame" Puck said

"Why don't we cook for them?" Blaine suggested

"No we already did that for them. It has to be something special" I said

We were thinking really hard on what to do for them.

"Hey why don't we do a nice candle light picnic for them by the beach it's not that far it's like 30 mins aways from here we could us a break from the river" Puck said

"Dude that's a great idea and we could sing for them too" I said all excited

"That sounds perfect" Blaine said with a smile

"So it's settle we're taking them to the beach and we're going to sing for them" I said with a smile

"Okay so what song are we going to sing for them?" Sam asked

I was thinking what song we could do then it hit me.

"Nothing even matters by Big Time Rush" I said

"Dude really Big Time Rush?" Puck asked laughing at me

"Hey Rachel makes me watch it with her sometimes and they sing pretty good songs" I said

"It's true man my sister watches that show and they sing good songs" Sam said

"Bro tell me your sister has made you watch it with her?" I asked Puck

"Okay yeah she does" Puck admitted

"There you go anyways back to the plan we need the girls to go out for a bit so we could get everything ready" I said

"Quinn was telling that the girls are going to town today to walk around" Puck said

"Perfect that kills time for us" I said

"Wait what about Kurt?" Sam asked

"You know where ever the girls go he goes" Blaine said

"That's true" we said and laughed

Just then the Rachel and Quinn came downstairs I guess are laughing woke them up.

Rachel came and sat down on my lap and wrapped her arms around my neck I gave her a kiss on the cheek. Quinn went and sat down next to Puck and she put her head on his shoulder.

"Why are you guys awake it's barely 9:30?" I asked them

"I heard laughing and when I woke up you weren't next to me so I figured you were here" Rachel said

"I heard Puck loud laugh so I knew he was down here" Quinn said jokingly

"So why isn't Kurt or Santana a wake then?" I asked

"You should know that Santana loves her sleep and she's a heavy sleeper" Rachel said

"I'll go check on Kurt he's probably doing his usual morning facials" Blaine said got up and went to his room

"So what are you girls doing today?" Sam asked

"We're going into town with Kurt to have lunch and maybe do a little shopping" Quinn said

"What about you guys?" Rachel asked

"You know us play some COD" I said with a small chuckle

"Don't you guys get tired of playing that game?" Quinn asked

"No it's like saying don't you girls get tired of shopping" Puck said I couldn't help but laugh

"It's not funny Finn" Rachel said and hit my arm

"Ow that hurts" I said as I rub my arm

Just then Santana came downstairs and sat down on the other couch with Sam.

"You guys can't shut up can you?" Santana said all grumpy

"I told them" Rachel said

"Damn it Frankenteen don't you know I love my sleep" Santana said

"Sorry San" I said with a smile

Just then Kurt and Blaine came out of the room and sat down with Sam and Santana.

"So what time are you guys going into town?" Sam asked

"Probably around 11" Kurt said

"I'm going to make some coffee anybody want any?" Rachel asked

"I'm going to need it" Santana said jokingly

"We're good" everybody said

"Okay" Rach said and went to the kitchen. I got up from the couch and went to the kitchen with her

"Hey beautiful" I said and grabbed her waist from behind

"Hello handsome" she said as she turned around to face me

I kissed her passionately and then pulled away slowly.

"You know I love you" I said with a smile

"I love you too" she said

We made Santana's coffee and Rachel and went back with the others. We were just talking what we should we do in these last weeks we have left being here.

"I think we should get ready to leave soon" Quinn said

The girls got up and went upstairs and Kurt went into his room to change.

"So while they're getting ready let's okay some COD" Puck said

We turned on the PS3 and started playing some COD until the girls left. We were in the middle of playing when the girls came downstairs and Kurt came out all ready they said bye and left.

"Okay time to get everything ready" I said

"Knowing them they'll probably be back around 5" Puck said

"That's true" Blaine said

"So this is what we'll do make the girls some spaghetti with meatballs and for dessert their favorite fruit covered in chocolate" I said

"Sounds good but isn't Rachel vegan?" Sam asked

"Crap I forgot I'll just won't add meatballs to hers" I said

"Okay sounds good" Blaine said with a smile

We started cooking everything Puck was cooking the meatballs, Sam was cutting the fruit except the strawberries cause those are for Rachel, Blaine was making garlic bread and I was getting the chocolate melted to add to the fruit.

After a 2 hours everything was ready for this picnic we have plan out. I went upstairs and changed and laid out my favorite dress that I love seeing Rachel in it's like this nice pink long dress I don't know why I like it on her.

I went back downstairs and we continued playing COD until the girls showed up.

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