Chapter 19

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Rachel's POV

Last night was amazing I couldn't have asked for a better night and a perfect way to end this amazing trip. I have to say I couldn't help but to keep going but we had to stop because we had to wake up early to pick up Santana and Sam so we could go home.

We woke up around sunrise so that was our alarm we packed up everything and walked back to the cabin.

"Finn last night was amazing" I told him as we walked back

"It was you were amazing" he said with a smirk

"I'm glad we lost it to each other" I said with a smile

"Me too I love you" he said and kissed my cheek

"I love you too" I said I couldn't help but blush

Walking to the cabin didn't take that long so when we got there Santana and Sam were ready all we had to do was bring down our bags and load up the car. Once we everything was downstairs we made sure we didn't leave nothing behind.

"So is that everything?" Finn asked us

"Yup that's everything" Sam said

"Okay so we're going to load the car do you girls wanna check one more time to see we're not leaving anything behind or go to the bathroom" Finn said

"We'll take one last walk around" I said with a smile and went upstairs with Santana

"Soooo how was last night?" Santana asked curiously

"It was amazing we made love under the stars" I said with a huge smile

"Wow I can't believe Frankenteen is now a man" she joked

"Shut up come one let's go there's nothing more up here" I said with a laugh

We walked downstairs and headed to the car and I locked the door to the cabin.

"So are you girls ready to go we're going to pass by a McDonald's or Denny's to eat some breakfast" Finn said with a smile

"Yeah let's go home" I said.

We got inside the car and Finn started to drive back home as he was driving I got a phone call from my dads.

"Hi daddy" I said happy

"Pumpkin I have you on speaker say hello to your father" Leroy said

"Hi dad" I said happy

"Hi sweetheart" Hiram said

"What are you doing honey?" Leroy asked

"We're going back home cause Kurt left and Quinn and Puck went to visit Shelby and Beth" I said

"Well we're glad you're going home because guess what?" They asked excited

"What?" I asked curiously

"We're coming home tomorrow morning" they said excited

"Oh my god no way dads that's perfect we can hang out on my last week of vacation" I said excited

"I know princess so we can't wait to see you tomorrow" Leroy said happy

"Same here daddy" I said happy

"Okay well we'll let you go we have to pack see you tomorrow morning baby" Hiram said

"Okay bye dads I love you" I said with a big smile

"We love you too pumpkin" they said and with that they clicked

"How are they?" Finn asked as he kept his eyes on the road

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