Chapter 15

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Rachel's POV

So we only have 2 weeks left being here and it really sucks so far this has been the best summer being here with my friends and with especially with Finn has been nothing but amazing.

We were downstairs watching "How I Met Your Mother" on Netflix when Blaine and Kurt came out of their room with suitcases.

"Where are you guys going?" I asked confused

"We have to have leave I start school next week" Blaine said

"What school do you go to?" Finn asked

"Umm I go to Dalton Academy" Blaine said

"He's a Warbler" Kurt said

"WAIT WHAT!" I yelled out shocked

"Yeah sorry I didn't tell you guys about it" Blaine said feeling guilty

"It's fine we understand" Quinn said with a smile

"Thanks for letting me spend the summer with you guys it's been great I had a lot of fun and it was nice to see you guys also" Blaine said with a smile

"Yeah anytime see you soon have a safe trip back" I said with a smile

"So I'll see you guys in 2 weeks then" Kurt said

"Yeah be safe little bro" Finn said with a smile

"Thanks see you when you get home" Kurt said

With that they got their suitcases and left.

"Wow I can't believe Blaine a warbler" I said still surprised

"Wait doesn't that mean we're going to compete with him for sectionals or regionals" Santana said

"Can we just stop talking about it and keep watching the show" Puck said

"We could talk about it when we go back" Sam said

"Fine" Santana said throwing her hands up

"I think I'm going to take a nap" I said

I got up from the couch and went upstairs to my room. I enter my room and closed the door and went to lay down on my bed.

As I lay in bed I started thinking about senior year I know that's like a year and half away from now but I can't help it. I wonder what's going to happen once I move to New York I mean I know I'm still going to keep in touch with everybody but I wonder what's going to happen with Finn and I.

I was bought back from reality when I saw Finn come in the room and he came and laid down with me.

"Hi" I said with a smile

"Hey" he said with his beautiful half smile

We just laid there looking into each other's eyes moments like that makes me happy.

"I love you Rach" he said as he interlocked our hands

"I love you too" I said with a smile

"So my lady what do you wanna do in these last 2 weeks we have left?" He asked

"Umm I don't know lets just enjoy it" I said with a smile

"Okay sounds good" he said and kissed me

We started to kiss passionately and I couldn't help but deepen the kiss he licked my bottom lip asking me for entrance and I gave it to him our tongues were just enjoying each other I couldn't help but go on top of him without breaking the kiss and just grind on him I felt his pants get tighter and I couldn't help but smile when we were kissing.

"Rach you drive me crazy" Finn said as he pulled away

"And you drive me crazy" I said as I got off him

"Do you wanna watch a movie?" He asked me

"Yeah I would love that" I said with a smile

"Okay how about the hunger games?" He asked as selected from Netflix

"Yeah sounds good to me" I said

He pressed play on the movie and we just laid there watching the movie my head laying on his chest and my whole body curled up next to him and his arm around me. I really love these moments I feel safe in his arms.

I guess during the movie we ended up sleeping cause I woke up wrapped up around his arms.

"Finn wake up" I said

"Mmm 5 more minutes babe" he said in a grumpy voice

"No come on Finn" I said as I kissed him

"Okay fine you win" he said as he opened his eyes

"I always win" I said with a smirk

"Oh really?" He said with him raising he's eyebrow

"Oh no Finn don't you dare" I said

He started to tickle me.

"Finn get off" I said laughing like crazy

"No" he said with a smile

"FINE YOU WIN" I yelled out laughing

He stopped tickling and got off of me.

"Now we're even" he said with a chuckle

"Yeah yeah" I said with smile

"Do you wanna go walk by the river?" He asked

"Sounds good" I said

We left our room and went downstairs and I see the others were all sleeping we went over and covered them up and we left through the back quietly we didn't wanna wake them up especially Santana.

We started walking and we stopped at our tree.

"Rach sit on the swing" Finn said

"Okay" I said and walked over to the swing and sat down

He started to push me slowly I love how he could be gentle with me.

"It's a beautiful night the stars look really nice tonight" I said with a smile

"But they don't shine as bright as you" Finn said

"Aw babe" I said I got off the swing and kissed him softly on the lips

"You mean everything to me babe" he said with a smile

"You don't know how much you mean to me too" I said with smile

I turned around and he wrapped his arms around my waist and he laid his head on my shoulder and we just stared at the stars.

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