Chapter 8

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Rachel's POV

This month has gone by so fast. we only have a month left being here so we're going to make the best of it. So far everything has been going well with everybody Quinn and Puck are doing fine, Sam and Santana have gotten closer as friends, Kurt is still waiting for Blaine to ask him out but they did say they wanna take things slow first until making anything official , and Finn and I have been doing great we still haven't done IT yet but I'm not worried we'll know when the time is right.

Today we all plan to go to the river for a late night swim we haven't gone at night so it'll be a first for us hopefully the water not too cold to get any.

"Finn what time are we going to the lake?" I asked him as we laid in bed

"I don't know probably 8" he said looking down on me

"I hope the water not cold I don't want us getting sick" I said looking at him

"It won't Rach trust " he said and kissed my forehead

"So what are we going to do in the mean time?" I asked curious

"Do you wanna watch a movie?" he asked

"Yeah that would be great" I said with a smile

He got up and picked out a movie.

"What movie is it?" I asked him

"Ride Along" he said with a smile

"Oh that movie is funny " I said

"Rach I was thinking we could go camping before we go back home or a week before we go back" he said

"I think we should end our summer right so we could go two days before we go back home" I said and kissed him on the cheek

"Sounds good" he said with his famous half smile

We were watching the movie all cuddle up I was laying down on Finn's chest he's arms were wrapped around me half way through the movie I feel asleep.

"Finn I can't wait to see my dads I finally get to spend time with them" I said with a huge smile

"I'm glad to see you happy babe" he said with a smile

We turn on the tv and the news was

"Breaking news there has been a terrible plane crash the flight 789 leaving Washington D.C and that was suppose to land in Lima, Ohio has crashed we still don't know the cause and if there is any survivors we will keep you posted" The news reported said

"Finn Oh My God my dads are on that flight" I said crying

"Rach calm down we need to stay positive" he said hugging me

"I-I c-can't" I said crying into his chest

"We have news on the Flight 789 I'm sad to say there are no survivors and the crash was due to a engine problem"

My whole world just crashed at that moment I just lost the two important people in my life.

"N-NOOOOOOOO" I yelled out in tears
~End Of Dream~

"Rach wake up" I felt someone one shaking my arms

I opened my eyes and see Finn had a worried face.

"Babe I had a terrible nightmare" I said hugging him tight

"What was it cause you were crying and yelling?" He said worried
"I dream that my dads d-died" I said about to cry

"Rach look at me they love you too much to ever leave you I think they would do whatever it takes to stay alive to be with you" he said with a smile

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