Chapter 5

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Rachel's POV

So far this vacation has been going so well everyone is having a good time and it's making us get closer.

Tonight we decided we were going to go to the club. We didn't wanna stay in well us girls didn't we wanna go out and dance the guys didn't have a choice but Kurt and Blaine were going to stay in.

So we went upstairs and got ready. Finn and I went into our room and locked the door last time I was changing Puck walked in and thank god Finn was in front of me since then we lock the door when we change and when I wanna tease him here and there.

"Rach are you going to shower?" Finn asked while picking out his clothes

"Umm no Finn I showered already you go ahead" I said to him

"Okay" he said and went to the bathroom

I decided to wear my red lace dress with some nude pumps and I just decided to let my hair be wavy. I was about to do my makeup when I felt Finn wrap his arms around my waist.

"You look beautiful I don't think you need makeup" he said and kiss my head

I turned around and stared at him.

"How about just little bit" I said

"Okay" he smiled and went to change.

I did my makeup really simply just mascara, a small wing, and a soft pink lipstick.

"Do you like?" I asked him

"Yeah" he said and walked up to me and kissed me

We pulled away when we heard a knock.

"Hey Fetus face hurry up we're ready and I needs to get my groove on" Santana yelled out from the door I couldn't help but laugh.

"Santana we're done we'll be down in a minute" I yelled out to her

"Okay but hurry" she said and walked away

"How does she come up with these nicknames for you?" I asked with a giggle

"I really don't know" he said with a chuckle

We left our room and went downstairs to meet everyone.

"Finally let's go already" Quinn said

We just laughed a little and headed out. The club wasn't that far away it was about 30 min drive and it was our luck cause it was karaoke night also.

We get off the car and headed inside the club it was packed. We found a couch to sit and the guys went to get us drinks.

"This club looks poppin" Santana said with a smirk

The guys came back with drinks.

"You're not drinking that much tonight missy" Finn said handing me my drink

"Why not?" I asked

"With you're history of hangover I don't think so" he said with laugh

"Fine" I said I rolled my eyes at him and just giggled

We were all having a good time talking until they started playing "Fancy" By Iggy Azalea and I knew right away we needed to get up and dance.

"Come on Finn I love this song let's go dance" I said pulling his arm to get up

"Babe I'm not a good dancer you know that" he said shyly

"Pleaseeeeee Finn" I begged him and gave him my puppy eyes

"Okay let's go" he said with his famous half smile

We went to dance floor and started dancing. He placed his hands on my waist and my butt was on his junk so I couldn't help but start grinding on him and I felt his pants get tight I couldn't help but laugh a little I was just enjoying it.

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