Chapter 10

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Kurt's POV

So far this summer has been amazing being here in a cabin with my friends and especially with Blaine. I really do like him but I get this feeling that maybe he doesn't like me back we been talking already for almost year now and he still hasn't asked me out.

Oh sorry I haven't told you guys how we meet I'll give you the story.


I was at the Lima bean waiting in line to place my order while I was waiting in line I wanted to grab something to eat to go with my drink so I reached out to get the last sandwich and that's when somebody reached out and also grabbed it.

"Excuse me I grabbed it first" I said without looking at the person

"I'm sorry but I grabbed it first" he said I looked up and he was really cute he had these hazel eyes, curly hair but he had it parted to the side like a combover and he was wearing a uniform.

"Next" the cashier said

"How about we share it?" The guy said

"Sounds good to me" I said with a smile

I placed my order and so did he and we got a table until our order was ready.

"I'm Blaine Anderson by the way" he said as we sat down

"I'm Kurt Hummel" I said with a smile

"So Kurt do you always fight for what you want?" He said jokingly

"Depends what it is but other times no" I said joking

"I don't wanna offend you or anything but are you gay?" He asked

"Yes I am gay and I'm the only openly gay person in my school too" I said

"Really so we have something in common then" he said

"You're gay too?" I asked shocked

"Yes I am gay too" he said with chuckle

"Wow so Blaine what school do you go to?" I asked him

"I go to Dalton Academy and how about you Kurt?" He asked

"I go to William McKinley High School" I said

The whole time we were just talking getting to know each other and I was happy I meet someone that was just like me.

~End of Flashback~

We only have a month left here in this beautiful cabin and if Blaine doesn't ask me out soon I'm going to just forget about him I really do like him but in tired of waiting.

Today we made plans to go to this nice dinner so I'm getting ready and Rachel walks in.

"Hi Kurt" she said as she sat down on my bed

"Hi Rach" I said as I smiled at her

"So what are you doing tonight?" She asked me

"Just going at for dinner with Blaine" I said sad

"What's wrong Kurt?" She asked curious

"Rachel I've been talking to Blaine for almost a year now and he still hasn't asked me to be his boyfriend I feel like he doesn't see me the way I see him" I said and sat down next to her

"Are you crazy? He does like you I could see it Kurt maybe he's nervous to ask you who knows just be patient" she said with a smile

"I have already for almost a year how much more can I wait?" I asked her

"Just wait a little longer" she said

"Okay so how are things with you and Finn?" I asked her

"Good we're going camping before we go back home"she said with a smile

"Oh really?" I said with smirk

"Kurt we haven't done IT yet and I feel ready but every time we try to go further someone has to interrupt so maybe when we go camping we'll lose it to each other" she said

"Just give it time Rach like we told you'll know when the time is right" I said with smile

Just then Blaine walked into the room

"Hey Rach" he said with a smile

"Hi Blaine I guess I'm going back to my room have fun tonight you two" she said with smile and left

"Are you ready?" He asked

"Yeah let's go" I said and we left the cabin and drove up to the small town

Blaine parked the car and we headed inside the restaurant it was really cute they severed Italian food so I was happy. The waitress showed us to out tables and we sat down and looked at the menu

"Kurt I need to telling something" Blaine said

I was getting scared "okay what is it Blaine?" I said nervous

"Well we been talking for a year now and I have to say I never been this happy I love talking you Kurt and I also love hanging out with you and the truth is I really like you this whole summer had been amazing so far and it's time we took things to the next step so well you Kurt Hummel be my boyfriend?" He said

I waited for almost a year to hear that and for him to finally say it got me so happy I had happy tears coming down.

"Yes Blaine I would love to be your boyfriend" I said all excited

The whole night was just amazing we had a nice dinner and after we took a walk around the park and got ice cream I'm just so happy that we are officially together now.

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